Hiphop Samurai

Tagged under Samurai Champloo

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Burn away the regret and dread.

Has anyone hear of this anime called Samurai Champloo? They've been running ads for this anime on G4techtv for acouple of days now.To look it up on the net and it seems to be a pretty good anime.The music for is topnotch,a bunch of hiphop beats with wicked rythm to them.The character designs look pretty good too,seeing how it's form the people who did Kill Bill an a couple of other thing.Here's a few links incase some of you don't know what I'm talking about:

And here's a trailer for it if anyone's too lazy to look through the sites:

I wann see this abime sooooo badly now XD !!!

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. . . remember me?

Yup, Champloo is really good :) Here are a bunch of threads where people chatted about Champloo. . .

In the future, remember to do a search before you post to avoid duplicating threads!

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I've watched up to episode 10 of it. Not bad, there's lots of action, and Fuu and Mugen can be pretty likeable :).



Devil Bats' Quarterback

yup i've watched up to eps 16, Jin Mugen and Fuu are, suprisingly funny, especially jin with his serious face. the funniest eps is eps 8 where there is crazy samurai with his underlings providing hi, BGM

HiruMamo!!! Yaaaa- Haaaa-

I saw the title of this thread and instantly thought "samurai champloo!". Yep, I've seen up to episode 17, which is the most they've released so far. (New episodes coming on the 22nd, woo!) It's a great anime, full of action, comedy, and an interesting storyline, though it's mainly what you don't know that makes you curious. My only complaint is the intro song. It's the worst rap song I have ever heard. Seriously. But everything else about Samurai Champloo makes up for it. :D



Here and there from time to time

I have the english released first volume with eps 1-4, and I found it very likable. So much infact, that I have purchased the import dvd boxset with the first 17 episodes. I hope that they release more. the first time I had seen anything of it was on a trailor for it on my last exile vol 7. It looked promising, so I bought the first volume. This anime is from the creator of Cowboy bebop, so is should not disapoint. I'm not disapointed at all, I love. And I would have to agree with the opening song. It was almost as if they were trying to mix rap with some sort of distorted jazz. I dont know. But the ending song was very likable. The character designes are top notch, the music is awesome, and the story is simple but has flare. I say that anyone who seems at all interested in this series should obtain it, for it will be watched over many times.




Seasons Greetings!!

One of my latest Anime I watched. I even mad e a wallpaper about it. This was pretty good. It held me onto my seat at the end.

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I've watched the whole series but i hated the way it just didn't seem like a very good ending at all, I won't go into detail so I don't spoil anything

I thought the whole thing was brilliant, but it was also very funny. The manga is hilarious from what I have read.


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The Grim Reaper

Please don't bump 2 year old threads. If you really want to discuss something about Samurai Champloo then make a new thread.

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