Polls: Athrun vs Kira ( pics included...^_^ )

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Supreme ruler of HELL

Athrun and Kira..both are popular in Gundam Seed series......
both of them are good-looking, genius at handling mechas..etc..both are equally matched...
but i want to know which one do the fans like the most....Athrun of Kira????
Who's the man?? yeah......
Here's both of them....^_^

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I like them both....sinks into a dilemma.... XP



Persocom Technician

More to Kira ^_^' ...

I voted for Athrun becoz I find him being mature through out the whole series but if its base on piloting skills I may vote on kira

Kira = crybaby that steals women
Athrun = *waits for athrun's counterattack....*

Seig Jion....Seig Jion

Athrun, I can't stand Kira, he's a little bitch

"I contend we are both atheists, I simply believe in one less deity than you do. When you understand why you reject the others, you will know why I reject yours."
Razom nas bahato - nas ne podolaty!



Supreme ruler of HELL

Quote by SWPIGWANGKira = crybaby that steals womenAthrun = *waits for athrun's counterattack....*

definitely agree with you.......

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Athrun, but i like the freedom gundam better than justice -.-

Kira is the best.... :D :D :D

proud member of DarkAlliance and Make-A-Friend


Reason-Kira's sound is like a girl which makes his personailty really like a girl(Cry n cry nc ry)

Kira. Athrun seems... I dunno, too level headed and rational for me. I do like when he says "Let's kick some ass" though.

T_T My Kira loses.....( crying profusely ).....

proud member of DarkAlliance and Make-A-Friend

kira cus he still using Freedom




Supreme ruler of HELL

Quote by dope T_T My Kira loses.....( crying profusely ).....

dope....i think you are going to become another Kira........

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Athrun.. I cant stand that crying machine. Such a womenizer.... gives me the creeps. ^_^'



radical x woah

athrun definatly. kiras a bitch and well...yeah :sweat:


The End

ooh i just cast the drawing vote for athrun and kira. (for athrun)

Kira is cute but athrun is cooler ^_^
i like Yzak too, he's funny.

<3 Dark Mousy ! ^_^

I vote for Kira coz he's better at handling the mechas.
go kick some ass Kira!



Nippon no furiku

yeah, Kira is cool ^^




Athrun... he was trained to pilot mecha... and, HELL yeah, kira's SUCH A CRYBABY!

Besides, athrun gave effort just to be able to pilot mecha... take a look at kira, it's just in an instant... you might say that it's what make's Kira cool - being a superior type of coordinator (heard la crueset's confession?)...
however, i still think athrun's better...

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu

"A journey of a thousand miles...
is better in a car."



kawaii deschou ^^

Kira is the greatest! ^^ he is so mature and smart ^^

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wat??? Kira that bitch won???!!!... I cant believe it.....fans of Athrun...come vote for him!!!!!



Supreme ruler of HELL

Oh my god... Kira's crying for sympathy plan is working.......... >_<

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Yay...!!!!!! my Kia won. I'm so happy. Going to celebrate it.
Go kira!!

proud member of DarkAlliance and Make-A-Friend

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