Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" in /var/www/minitokyo/www/includes/common.inc.php on line 360 is learning other languages important to you?what lingual are u? - Minitokyo

is learning other languages important to you?what lingual are u?

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I know Slovene - my native language
Ialian - my 2nd language
and of course English

but I want to also learn Japanese ^_^



I <3 Yamashita-sensei xD

I'm trilingual. I've learned German (my mother tongue), English (at least enough that you can understand me) and French (only the basics though...) I also can a bit Latin, but I don't think that counts xD
At the moment I'm learning Japanese at the university, but I'm still a beginner (I haven't learned much yet, that I didn't already knew by watching anime ^^;; )
I'd like to learn Korean and Chinese too, but for the start Japanese is enough (so many strange signs xD)

~property of the halfblood prince~

I can read, write and speak English fluently.
I can read, write and speak French and German to a medium degree.
I can speak Chinese fairly well but can't read or write it (unless if it's in the Chinese phonetic alphabet)

Biologically speaking, if something bites you, its probably female.



I really love learning other languages. I go to a school that's very oriented towards math and science, so learning a foreign language is a great opportunity to apply myself in a different way. And it's fun to boot.

My first language was Chinese (Mandarin), but sadly, I can't write it nearly as well as I used to. Reading is ok, and I speak it pretty fluently. Second is English, which is my primary language. I learned Spanish during high school, but haven't spoken it in a while. I'm planning on taking some Japanese classes next year, and possibly studying abroad in Japan for a semester.


Retired Moderator


Okaerinasai - Welcome Home

lol @ 4lingual

I decided to drop here and post on this thread, since its getting pretty popular - yaya! ROFL
I'm actually bilingual.

English is my first language.
Japanese is my second language.

I speak both of them fluently over here. Need I say more?

"No matter where you go, no matter how tough life may be, just remember that always in your heart, you will still be loved."


well i know english and a bit of spanish and vietnamese
i really wanna re-learn viet and maybe jap too if i have time
learning foreign languages is cool and you wont feel as left out when you visit the country that speak its ^_^




The Wicked One This Way Comes

I speak Spanish and a very poor pronunciation of English :p... in fact i speak vulgar spanish too, but its not considered as a independent language :P

and i'm "learning" German and French, because i have French and German friends who teach me a bit of their languages ;)


Eh, I like to learn languages I guess. I'm hoping to move out of the states in the future, so. I think I'm bilingual, primary language being english, secondary is korean. I'm learning German in highschool, took two years of Spanish in middle school, and I think I may be taking Japanese, too. My Korean teacher's finding that out for me...I think. So I may be 4lingual in the future.


Retired Moderator


Wizard of Darkness -under a rock

I can speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese and I can understand (but speak) Haka... the Cantonese dialect I learnt Cantonese from. I can also read Korean but I can't understand any of it... haha... I learn Japanese at school and can understand a considerable portion of the language... I think it's important to understand other people... because without learning other languages, you can't understand, right? I'm a person who likes to be understood as well XD Anyway... enough from me now ^.^

Misa|Virtuoso and Legend of W.A.R - UA|Most coordinated Legion of W.A.R



lotica dream

I can say I'm bilingual in a way I can understand english, but i'm very bad to speak (or write ! XD). but i think it's very important to speak an other language, especialy nowadays ! ^^

French-Tribu ~ Fullmetal-alchemist-fans ~ Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Fan

Ne laissons pas nos larmes couler. C'est la victoire du coeur sur le corps. Car pour nous, cette chose qu'on appelle le coeur est la preuve que notre existence est superflue...




Bilingual XD

Italian is my first language, followed by English. I'm planning to study and learn Japanese once I'll be done with my career @ university since I'd really like to work and live in Japan four at last an year or two (or maybe more if I get to like the country ^^). An other language that I'm planning to learn is either Swedish or Norwegian because those are other countries where I'm planning to stay and live for the same reasons ^^.



I'm just me

Um, I guess I'm bilingual.

I know English as my first language, and I'm learning Spanish at school...I'm only in second year, so I'm not very good at it yet. I love learning other languages, but I'm not very good at it; but they still fascinate me, though.

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always be what you've always been." ~ Anonymous



Dancing In The Storm

i just LOVE to learn a new language. it facinates me so. very interesting. ^^ anyways, i'm trilingual as i live in a country with so many races. (malaysia) so i know how to speak english, chinese and malay. i'm learning japanese now. but i just learnt a considerable lot of it, so i don't consider myself 4lingual yet. lol. toodles! ^_~



Tomorrow is another day

Learning more languages is very important to me, I love to know more about as many beautiful languages in the world as I can. Sadly, time is limitted so I can not learn as I wish. Anyway, I'm going to begin French class next year, good thing to hear though, I thought I could never make it :)

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world
- Bill Wilson -

I don't think you should have to learn anouther language if you don't want to. Right now I can speak English real good but I'm losing my original language which is Hmong. I have such a bad acsent in Hmong.



Wouldn't you wanna know?

Well, I can speak perfectly well English, French, and Russian, and I can have a basic conversation and understand pretty well in Spanish. I'd also like to learn Italian, German, Japanese (at least the speaking part) and Latin. I know the latter is a dead language, but I really like it... Oh, and to think of it, I wouldn't mind if I could learn some Greek as well...^^

I think multiple languages are, if not an extremely important thing, but a very good addition to your skills. If you know multiple languages, you have more doors opened to you. And it's fun!! Just knowing four languages, for me, is very helpful and I can associate them in between and thus understand certain roots...



Retired Moderator


Okaerinasai - Welcome Home

I learned a new language a month ago that I forgot to speak here. It's called Lorem Ipsum. ROFL - should've known.

Etiam ullamcorper malesuada libero. Donec ullamcorper. Aenean leo est, sagittis ac, sagittis eu, dignissim id, dolor. Etiam rutrum, sem eget pellentesque rhoncus, enim lectus sagittis pede, ut malesuada lacus wisi vel metus. Curabitur eu turpis. Nullam fringilla erat sit amet est. Etiam lorem est, cursus vel, imperdiet molestie, gravida ut, est. Curabitur tristique, purus eu tempor viverra, quam quam varius enim, quis rhoncus nisl est accumsan ante. Nullam ornare urna ac purus. Maecenas consectetuer augue at nunc tincidunt accumsan. Fusce vitae metus ut turpis aliquam interdum. Sed posuere sem vulputate justo sodales imperdiet. Sed turpis. Donec id massa. Pellentesque non metus.

Mauris et enim eget lorem ullamcorper mollis. Etiam ac turpis. Maecenas ac nibh tempus massa placerat nonummy. Aliquam viverra. Fusce pede. Etiam sed massa. Quisque quis augue non felis auctor ultrices. Mauris sit amet tellus. Cras purus. Sed tincidunt imperdiet odio. Donec ut augue quis lectus sagittis malesuada.

Quisque faucibus, ipsum eu ornare iaculis, diam augue elementum tellus, ut interdum erat massa nec risus. Aenean dolor dui, pellentesque eget, semper ac, ornare id, diam. Nulla facilisi. Aenean hendrerit, sapien vel congue posuere, pede nunc semper justo, placerat vulputate purus est viverra odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis sapien sed nunc cursus dictum. Etiam ut ante at dui malesuada tincidunt. Donec ut tellus. Vestibulum adipiscing. Pellentesque a mauris nec erat molestie sagittis. Praesent vestibulum molestie lectus. Nunc ac ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin neque massa, venenatis non, facilisis feugiat, suscipit nec, tortor.

Morbi nulla. Mauris posuere, orci iaculis vehicula ullamcorper, quam sem interdum lacus, quis egestas augue neque eget enim. Maecenas nisl. Integer a justo. Ut feugiat. Duis nec arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus purus turpis, ornare non, consequat in, consequat vel, wisi. Pellentesque eleifend convallis odio. Vivamus sed lacus sollicitudin leo pellentesque dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut posuere, sapien eu bibendum porta, erat neque molestie elit, a placerat orci tellus eu enim. Pellentesque semper, est nec ullamcorper imperdiet, nulla wisi interdum wisi, in molestie tortor tortor non odio. Ut facilisis erat ac quam. Proin ornare arcu non ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur ligula. Vivamus aliquam venenatis augue. Nunc gravida magna quis risus. Curabitur turpis justo, egestas sit amet, sollicitudin non, rutrum ut, nibh. Phasellus molestie. Nunc vitae sapien. Nulla velit wisi, laoreet et, lobortis et, lobortis ut, arcu. Phasellus eu libero. Morbi felis enim, ornare non, rutrum quis, ultricies ac, quam. Vivamus quam sapien, molestie sit amet, varius id, suscipit ac, dolor. Cras at libero. Nulla volutpat leo sagittis sapien.

Proin justo. Vestibulum ante. Sed vitae elit sit amet elit volutpat laoreet. Nullam tortor. Pellentesque tortor dolor, molestie et, tristique pulvinar, sodales nec, wisi. Nam lacinia ante a ipsum. Integer cursus. Sed semper, velit a consequat pulvinar, nunc odio adipiscing augue, ut bibendum felis augue quis velit. Quisque ac libero id enim ullamcorper viverra. Nulla imperdiet metus ac elit. Aenean nunc tellus, volutpat ut, auctor quis, dignissim a, libero. Suspendisse porta. Quisque mollis. Donec urna. Duis vitae tortor id velit porta suscipit. Pellentesque id wisi sed turpis porta egestas.

Nullam turpis. Etiam facilisis wisi id magna. Sed iaculis lectus ac velit mattis dictum. Donec sagittis tincidunt urna. Fusce fermentum tincidunt nisl. Ut laoreet urna vitae orci. Pellentesque blandit nisl aliquet augue. In mattis. Nulla sed sapien et mauris cursus euismod. Phasellus fringilla, nisl vitae lobortis venenatis, elit arcu venenatis orci, eu tempus magna ligula ac lacus. Mauris eget leo sit amet ante rhoncus consectetuer. Morbi lacinia. Vivamus tortor. Cras mollis augue bibendum mi.

Fusce nunc. Etiam rhoncus. Aliquam porta nulla in velit. Donec quam ligula, scelerisque vitae, feugiat sed, porttitor ut, tellus. Cras enim. Quisque scelerisque neque ac est. Morbi in sapien in sapien sodales ullamcorper. Aenean lectus. Phasellus condimentum convallis dui. Aenean mi. Nam euismod nunc eu nibh. Cras dapibus nunc eget ligula. Etiam tempus placerat tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam scelerisque ultrices orci. Maecenas volutpat felis eget lectus. Donec ultricies dolor eu enim. Integer tempor, eros eget molestie consequat, metus libero lobortis purus, sit amet interdum est est eget elit.

Proin vestibulum elementum erat. Vivamus consectetuer quam id nisl. Suspendisse eu orci eget eros consequat consectetuer. Nam eget sem et urna ornare vulputate. Vestibulum ut libero nec neque porttitor egestas. Nam malesuada augue et risus. Maecenas quis velit. Curabitur quis lacus. Integer hendrerit magna in nisl. Aenean suscipit felis nec purus. Cras in libero id ipsum congue tempor. Mauris quis leo ut nulla semper consectetuer. Ut elit augue, malesuada ac, scelerisque et, tincidunt in, est. Duis mi augue, posuere id, commodo ut, adipiscing vel, turpis. Fusce nibh. Etiam arcu ligula, aliquet non, aliquam ut, interdum ut, neque.

Cras tortor sapien, dapibus ut, suscipit vitae, pellentesque et, ligula. Praesent mattis mattis ipsum. Sed sed orci placerat massa blandit varius. Duis varius fringilla enim. Quisque lobortis suscipit leo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed sit amet risus. Curabitur dapibus, libero in semper fringilla, enim mauris porta nunc, id laoreet enim est a metus. Morbi congue, diam ut consequat aliquam, nisl diam molestie est, vel malesuada enim wisi a velit. Vestibulum venenatis molestie leo. Sed sed orci eget lacus tempus blandit. Sed venenatis metus sit amet erat. Pellentesque dolor lorem, auctor at, auctor quis, porttitor nec, quam. Curabitur nec quam eget purus lobortis tincidunt.

"No matter where you go, no matter how tough life may be, just remember that always in your heart, you will still be loved."



The End

I'm now bilingual but I wish to learn korean and japanese so I can visit Hongkong, China, Korea and Japan all in one go!

<3 Dark Mousy ! ^_^



anti Nobunaga

congrats on bilingualism ^^

Quote by PeripheryI'm now bilingual but I wish to learn korean and japanese so I can visit Hongkong, China, Korea and Japan all in one go!

thats what i want to do sometime as well! XD just need korean, japanese and mandarin oO too much to learn! ^^;;




.: Lonely Chicky:.

i can speak chinese, japanese, and i can understand english, but i'm very bad to speak/write


ps : excuse my poor english

Bleh, time to show off XD I know Dutch, English, Vietnamese, German and French. French would be my weakest language. I'm picking up Japanese next semester, so I can add that to my list too XP

Be Free and Masturbate



cancha! And MORE cancha!

Quote by CelessaI learned a new language a month ago that I forgot to speak here. It's called Lorem Ipsum. ROFL - should've known.
Etiam ullamcorper malesuada libero. Donec ullamcorper. ...

o_O what language is that again??? <-- *slaps head* urghh!!
Anyway, I can speak, well, English (CT :P gotta know it!), Spanish (my parents ^_^v), *learning* Madarin (woohoo!!), took Japaness for 7 years but forgot most of it x_x (I was in kindergarden...) but I want to keep on learning it ^_^

I'm bilingual, I speak english (duh) and arabic, even though I can't read or write it yet.
I am going to take arabic in college so I can actually read and write it, not just speak it.
I'm also taking Japanese right now and I'm planning on continuing it through college along with arabic

those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music



[head-bangs desk]

I think it's really cool how most of us don't really notice that some the languages are being repeated. ^_^' ie, english. XD but that's really interesting to know.

btw, celessa, i'm curious of the language you posted. :o

needed a new look.. :)

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