Its been almost a year since I posted the request for scan suppliers to join my site []. And I would still like several people to join on as scan suppliers, but nobody seems to be interested in taking the job. I have taken on 2 people as suppliers [from outside minitokyo], but I would like as many suppliers as I can get. If anyone here is interested please send me an e-mail at seeing as how I come here once every other month or so I dont want to miss someone interested. My site is finally reaching a new level and I want to increase the amount of quality content on my site
Here is a modified version of the requirements to be on the staff:
I am looking to find 3-6 people that will join my staff as scan suppliers [ONLY scan suppliers]. I just need the scans,
I'll clean them up myself if you dont. There are a few limitations though:
1) The images HAVE TO BE SCANNED BY YOU, NOT a friend, brother, sister, etc. BY YOU. Dont apply if you dont scan your
own material.
2) Finished scans need to be larger than 1,000 by 1,000 and a DPI of 300 and up. If left raw they should be larger than
2,000 by 2,000 with a DPI of 300 and up
3) You must have a large variety of scans from several different series or art collections, etc. and be able to supply
between 10-20 finished scans per update period. [Update periods are roughly 7-10 weeks / 1-2 months]
4) All scans will be accepted, but if content is deemed obscene then it will be stored for a possible later use. As we
do not allow hentai now, and we will most likely never have hentai images on my site, but one never knows.
5) This job will not be temporary as I need a regular income of scans.
Once again, anyone interested please send me an e-mail at