Is Dragonball sexist?

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Not just dragonball, but z and gt too. You notice there are never any powerful female fighters in any of them, whether good or evil. Videl in DBZ starts to get powerful but lets the men do the fighting when she realizes she's not strong enough. In DBGT Goku's granddaughter Pan starts out as an awesome super-heroine but by the end is reduced to a helpless little girl. Not to mention she never reaches the "Super Saiyan" level, even when Trunks and Goten did it when they where much younger.
Has anyone else noticed this?

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the cat`s meow

well their was 18. and theirs Goku`s grand-daughter (i forgot her name)... but yea i guess you can say their aren`t that its sorta sexist..

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Well thats how the anime world works...the men always have to be the strong ones. Dont forget that in japan..they dont really think highly of women..or atleast in the feudal times thats how it was. Women were either servants,house-wives, or sluts. Men were the warriors, kings, govenors..etc..they were the ones who hunted and brought food to the table.A woman would just prepare it..and well bear children. I guess they are still kind of keeping that intact in todays world..but ya..unno >.<




Quote by thecatmistresswell their was 18. and theirs Goku`s grand-daughter (i forgot her name)... but yea i guess you can say their aren`t that its sorta sexist..

Yeah, but 18 was an android, so she really wasn't even using her own strength...

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Da Southern Don

Aye I was gonna say 18 but ya bring out a good point though...

Quote by toxictea23Well thats how the anime world works...the men always have to be the
strong ones. Dont forget that in japan..they dont really think highly
of women..or atleast in the feudal times thats how it was. Women were
either servants,house-wives, or sluts. Men were the warriors, kings,
govenors..etc..they were the ones who hunted and brought food to the
table.A woman would just prepare it..and well bear children. I guess
they are still kind of keeping that intact in todays world..but
ya..unno &gt;.&lt;

That's also a good thought out point as well plus if ya followed the timeline of DragonballZ that it does take place around the 8th century as it seems so I don't think females have played much of a role in fighting around that time.

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Seafaring Swashbuckler

I've thought about this before, and I see what you're saying. But it doesn't really bother me, because there are other anime featuring strong females that aren't reduced to home-makers.

But wouldn't it be cool if there were some female saiyan side character who fought up to par with the main characters against the villian of the saga. Keep in mind I haven't seen past Z, so maybe there is.

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Quote by SouthernBoy504
That's also a good thought out point as well plus if ya followed the timeline of DragonballZ that it does take place around the 8th century as it seems so I don't think females have played much of a role in fighting around that time.

So they had androids, spaceships, and flying cars in the 8th century? ^_^'
(Excuse the sarcasm)

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Dark and Light

well i can see where your coming from sure in Dragonball Bulma played a kinda big role until goku got stronger than the fouces went to goku and Bulma was shut out same thing with Lanuch and Chi-Chi. sooo I not really gonna call dragonball sexist I'm gonna say that it is for the guys who like their anime with more action and how should I put this more manliy. Because if you look at anime it really is about the ladies. *ahem* Ai yori Aoshi, Love Hina, Tenjou Tenge, Ikkitousen, Saikano, Real bout High School, To heart, Aznamanga Diaho, and even Elfen Lied. so as you can see MOST anime is about ladies so I guess dragonball wanted to foucus on the guys.

oh and by way I think that the reason why Pan didn't become a super is becuases she is way less than half saiyan. Goten and Trunks where half saiyan. unlike Pan who's mom is a human and dad is half saiyan. so yeah thats how I look at it

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Seafaring Swashbuckler

I wouldn't say most anime is about ladies. I think it's about equal. It's more of the question of who the anime is aimed for, and then things start falling into place.

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Da Southern Don

Quote by undeadsymphony

Quote by SouthernBoy504
That's also a good thought out point as well plus if ya followed the
timeline of DragonballZ that it does take place around the 8th century
as it seems so I don't think females have played much of a role in
fighting around that time.

So they had androids, spaceships, and flying cars in the 8th century?
(Excuse the sarcasm)

Hey, I didn't make the anime, lol :D. After all it is purely fictional but eh, check any DBZ website, that's what the timeline will tell ya.

I don't think DB is fully sexist, or something like that...after all there WERE female fighters, despite if they were Android or Half Saiyan.

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Crazy Lazy Workaholic

I don't think the Dragonball series is sexist. A sexist series wouldn't have ANY female characters of note, but all of the female characters in DBZ, while the might not be as strong as the men, they certainly have very strong personalities to deal with them XD. If all the girls were content to be housewives and obediently did what the men said, THEN it would be very unbalanced.

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kawaii deschou ^^ it only I who dont care about how sexist DB is? I mean...if Goku was replaced by some heroine in tight trousers.. id never even look at it. cause...I dun know about how you others think, but...the men will always be stronger than women *if we dun mutate* ...I mean physically... and well, id see it as more sexist if we changed so, the majority of fighting ppl were girls in tight costumes...i mean...thatd be ecchi manga instead... -.-

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This show is a shonen show. I think little boys prefer watching big strong men than big strong girls beating up evil villans. So it's not sexist.

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The mangaka of Dragonball might have been brought up with females and males in stereotypical gender roles acceptable. So don't blame Dragonball or the mangaka, blame society!!!



Crazy Lazy Workaholic

Actually, Akira Toriyama also did a manga where the main character is a Robot girl. It's called "Dr. Slump" Only read a sample chapter but it's pretty silly.

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Pervert King

in some ways yes


Ork Warlord

Nope, there aren't many female fighters in DBZ, although this is probably due to the fact that they're more interested in showing off Goku's sweaty, glistening pecs and four hundred foot long hair than they are finding any sort of racial or sexual equality.

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getting pwned by school

Wasn't there this andriod with a number that fought along side 2 others and she was female? Anyways, I thought Freeza was a female at first ^^" English dub=terrible -.-

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~ Erase & Rewrite ~

Nahh, I wouldn't say it is sexiest... can't really explain why...

Women in DB might be weak as fighters, but the images that I get from them is not the image of weak, helpless little women... their personality is always very storng.

The effect they have in the guys around them is also important, for example, look at Bulma (sp?), she was one significant character through alll the seriers, not like she could become a Super Saiyan, but her inventiones were always helping everyone.
In GT she was the one that helped Vegeta reached level 4.
The fact the she married a guy like Vegeta, is pretty amazing itself. Vegeta being the "cocky" arrogant person he is, actually saw in Bulma... well I don't know what he saw exactly, but he saw something in her... and in a way, he respected her a lot... that says a lot about Bulmas personality and characterization in the series, don't ya think?

So, I wouldn't say that DB was a sexist anime.
Hope I expressed myself clearly, haven't watched DB in a while, and I just woke up ^_^'



A Child of The Night

I don't know about sexist,maybe Toriyama didn't want any huge buff women like all the men,I mean a lady at SS 1 1/2 not to sound mean but that's just ugly.

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I see everyone's point, and i agree with the strong personality characteristics of the female characters....
Some people said they wouldn't want Goku replaced with a muscly girl in tights.
First off, who said we were replacing Goku? Just throw in a nicely built girl with a sword or something that can fly. ^_^'

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cifiryn made the same point I was going to offer. While there are few female fighters, the women stand up to men. The only person Goku's really afraid of is Chi Chi.
Also, as earlier mentioned, the show is for young boys. The over-arching theme of the show is growth through trials. Because of this, it makes considerable sense for the show's target audience to see a character it can relate to overcoming the odds to succeed. Were the viewers unable to relate to the character, any message would be lost.
I'm not saying the show isn't sexist, I'm just saying that there are roles for both sexes to play within the Dragonball universe. Who are we to judge the fictional culture from our own context?



hmmmm....upon thinking about that, dere isnt alot of female fighters is dere?

There is that andriod, I can't really remember, but she has blond hair. They are obviously not trying to be sexist ( I hope 0_o ).

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