hi, just watched the entire berserk anime series, and i was wondering, what manga should i buy that starts right were the tv show left off??
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hi, just watched the entire berserk anime series, and i was wondering, what manga should i buy that starts right were the tv show left off??
Volume 4 Starts off where the anime starts.
Honestly though if you want to understand whats going on pick up the manga from the start, quite a bit actually changes between the two. The manga has add'l characters a great deal more development in the scenes. The anime kind gives you a more detailed look at Guts time with the Hawks but not much more than that, if you really want to enjoy it start at the beginning and enjoy.
Little warning tho, the Manga is pretty graphic. More so than the series.
"The mouth of the just shall mediate wisdom, and his tongue shall speak judgment. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, for when he hath been proved, he shall recieve a crown of life." - Lillium
You should probably start around number 12. It picks while they are still in the void adn it carries from there. Manga is sooooo much better than the anime, not to say that teh anime isn't good but the manga.....speechless.
And like Cathal said it far more grahic and detailed than the anime could ever be.
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Thank you, Ms Toya999 for the wonderful Signature. :)
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