XXXHolic--Yukko grants ur wish!?

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~You were walking along going home or where ever, and you suddenly feel this urge to turn right and into the large house thats awaiting.
You walk in and suddenly..........Yukko pops out and introduces herself and her "shop of where wishes come true"
She explains that wasnt a coincidence but has a purpose behind it, that you have a wish that needs to be granted.
You tell her your wish
She grants it
You go home happy ^^~
(plz bear in mind that this is Yukko, she'll also want payment for the wish)

wat was ur wish?

if u think that this story can be better just tell me and ill edit it

thxs to toxictea23 for helping me w/ my avie and sig^^



We're All Mad Here.

If I hadn't of read some of the manga I might ahve actually wished for something, but I think I'd be to scared to give up something precious for something else that I want.... ^_^'

Signature ImageYou can't live without the fire, it's the heat that makes you strong ~ Within Temptation, "Iron"
KHDownloads <-- Butterfly Chaser referred!



Alchemic Heartbeat

Hmm. Interesting question posed, here; maybe that something good would happen to the people I love-all of them. Something that will keep them happy, not just for a few hours, or days, etc., but that'll *really* benefit them in the longest run. Yeah, if that could happen to everyone I love or have loved, I think I could give up something important to me; my writing/art ability, maybe Rickie, my computer(Rickie's my comp.'s name), but if it were something like: "The person you love(romantically wise) will not have any memory of you after this wish is granted." , that'd be quite a conundrum-unless I could, at the least, still interact, etc., with them afterwards, and get to know them all over again, I think I'd be able to deal with it.

*Insert random inspirational message here, please!*
Disregarding reality, one fact at a time! I have every reason to be grateful, yet none to be happy.

From my point of view, I believe that this heads to understand that it is what we request. Because if you wish, would not be ace happy ace we waited for it. Does Does everything want things that facilitate you us completely the life, in general, but does the serious question really want that our life changes that way? Did it fill our espectativas? do we really need it to be happy?. The magic, to magic object, to magic person truly would bring us the happiness without us to move to finger. And for I finish, if the above-mentioned is true When it would cost to be carried out our desire?. Anything in this life is free

i know this may seem shallow, but yeh, it's what i think. I would have wished for all the success in life. yeah, that would give me a looooong future. hehe
i'm still young, so i guess i'm still material-ish

As is explained in the manga you will be able see and enter the shop only if you have a wish, I think that the wish must be something you heart really desire and your heart is ready to pay the price.
So may be the quesion should be: if you happen to walk near the portal to the yuko shop would it be visible to you?

What lies beyond the furthest reaches of memory?
The place where all were born and to where all will return: A Blue World.

more free time, i've got too much work :/
i'd probably have to give up something i'd do in my free time though...

i wouldn't wish 4 anything.
everyone wants something, but i don't want 2 give up something precious 2 me, and regret ever making the wish for the rest of my life.

Yeah I don't think I could wish for something since it would be too painful and the price would be way to high and well Impossible. Ashura-o learned that in Tsubasa.



Secret Crest

Even if I met her, I am sure she can't me grant my wish, because I couldn't pay something in the same worth.

i do have something that i really wished for..
really,really wished for it..
but i afraid i can't pay the price..
it says to give something that very precious to you right?
it will be very difficult if it's affected something that important to me..


Retired Moderator


The Grim Reaper

No need to bump this one a second time.

Fools You Can't Escape from The Grim Reaper. Your Only Chance for Escape Is Death. Bye Bye Now
Your Ignorance Will Be Your Own Downfall.

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