Final Fantasy VII: AC How Did You Like the Movie

Tagged under Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

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I recently watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children although it was in Japanese too bad I didnt get Limited Edition T_T... Anywayz... The Movie brought back many Final Fantasy VII memories..

Though the Battle Scenes and Graphics were very nice... the Storyline was not developed well... The other characters were seen much and were kinda left till the end of the movie...

Well what are your reviews

Wont you let me see what Real Happiness Trully is...
Because if this is Happiness then I want more...
I know its selfish...
But have you ever felt so much Pain...
When will you understand that the why sun dont shine through my window...
And when will you understand that I am not really what I seem...
And When will you understand I been Wishing for you to be Happy Forever...



`Procrastinator` ~ t(_ _ t)

The computer graphics and fighting scenes were awesome. >=D~~~~~
But ya, the story was lacking. =]
<3 Sephiroth <3 X)

The battle with Bahamut was a lil' disappointing though. I thought Tifa was gonna fight, but she didn't. She appeared so helpless when she was trying to protect the kid from being hurt.
Erm... I wish to see more of Yuffie fighting. =]

Watching the movie certainly has brought back lotsa memories. I'm gonna dig my FFVII discs out from my rusty boxes this holiday and replay the game. X)

O.o Infestation of Ichigoism o.O

It was very pretty with lots of good action but the story was lacking. Don't get me wrong it was still good but I think it could have been better.




Yes I agree it could of been much better, but I still think the movie abosolutly rocked! I loved the Tifa fight scene with the hand dude in the church.... well mostly cause it used an awsome version of the original FF7 Battle music which I happen to be listening to right now :D The Graphics were obviously amazing noone can deny that, but you must love Vincent <3. The music video thingy at the end after the credits was random >_>

I liked the movie alot but I have to agree with every one else the story was lacking. It really didn't tell us any more than the end of FFVII did and that was disapointing. However I'm still going to buy it when it finaly does hit american stores... if for no other reason than to watch the highway fight and the final battle.

I do not have much to say than this is a great finish to the story. Most people have said that there is not enough plot and its just eye candy. But think about it, everything was explained in FFVII you cannot add more plot to such a grand story it would ruin it. They did the best that they could do and I think that this should be taken more as A Final FMV.. the last fight.

Graphics - 10/10, Absolutely amazing

Story 8.5/10 - don't think they could of expanded it that much more. And the stuff they could put in there was clever enough I thought.

Characters 9/10 - Well most of them have already been explained during the game but still could not fit it all into 90 mins.

Sound - 10/10, since i am a metal fan I loved the fight music.. and piano just reaches right in there..It is a great ST and I was not disappointed.

Tilt/Replay 10/10 - Enjoyable every time.

Overall- 9/10 (FF Fan View 10/10)

i personally think this is what was needed, a fight to end it all.. the plot was already in place. The action was necessary as much as people complained. I loved every second of this movie. It was a pleasure to visit the world of FFVII just one last time.

Just remember this.. most movies that have been made form a game have been directed by movie directors i think this is pretty great for a team of game directors.. Don't think I've seen a better game to movie.. XD

Athlon 64 FX 60 OC 3.3Ghz , NVIDIA XFX GeForce 7900 GTX XXX Edition 750/1900, 4 Gig Ram, 400 Seagate Hard Drive, Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro, 32 inch Sony LCD




yea..have to agree with the others... the fighting scenes really rox0rz!
even i haven't played the game.. is still awesome
Overall 8.5/10

tifa FTW!




I will be taking you to.....

This was one brilliant movie, I havn't played the game so didn't know all the charaters but Tifa was so cool in the fight in the church! It was WOW and the ending fight was jawdropping the effects were immaculate!
The story was good but as I said don't know game so can't complain there!

SMILE, even through your tears!!!!!
Life is not Measured by the number of Breaths we
take, but by the Moments that Take our Breath Away.

Most of you say the story was not very developrd but I can't see how they could have made it better...there were some things that I didn't get because I played that game long ago..but I played it again after the movie XP hehehe the movie was great and the graphics too....The scene fighting scene was good and I think Reno and Rude were very surprised ppl haven't mentioned them.... :\

i loved it, i think the graphics is stunning, and the storyline was great.
And i absolutely loved the fighting scenes.



One big and true lover of Lacus

I really liked it. It was a well done movie. way better than that other final fantasy movie they did.

A true lover of Lacus Member of Kira-and-Lacus-in-Love




Bad. Nice effects and all that, but no story, not a single good fighting scene and the characters weren't interesting at all. I haven't played the game, so thats probably why I said so about the characters, since they weren't introduced properly in the movie.
The fighting scenes were just too much flying around, spinning on some sort of bikes, hitting, dodging blocking for half an eternity. Too much effects basically, they seemed to want to make too much out of those scenes.

But even if they had fixed that in some miraculous way, the fact that there were just a bad excuse of a story had made me dislike this movie.

Conclusion: Made for FF VII fans.
My rating: 4.75
ff VII players rating: 7 (a friends score)

"Your god person puts an apple tree in the middle of a garden and says:
- Do what you like guys, oh, but don't eat the apple.
Surprise surprise, they eat it and he leaps out from behind a bush shouting "Gotcha"."



F*** off

I loved that movie, no that's not it. I adored it. I liked the fighting and the effects :)



i do what i can no more no less

not bad needed more work though i'd give it a 7/10



||Teh Panda Queen||

Love it to death! XD XD XD
I have been watching Cloud vs Kadaj and Cloud vs Sephiroth at least 20 times
Watched all fight scenes at least 7 times
Watched whole movie at least 4 times

Need I say more?


true about the other characters not being developed but it was still amazing for me! i went back and played FFVII again after that

"one by one the penguins steal my sanity"



Love Me For Me

it was totally awesome x33333333333333333 they are remaking the ff7 game for ps3 i cant wait! x33333

The visuals were breathtaking and the fights were awsome, but other than that the movie has nothing going for it. I mean, the story focused on Cloud and was all about him still feeling guilty about Aeris death and not believing that he can do anything. Plus the villians were sorta whiny...maybe it was just me. What do you think?

I think the movie was great, but like most of you said, the story emmm i give it 8...

The animation in 3d is the best i've ever seen, i love every fight scene .. my fav one is tifas fight... i mean every detail ... what else can i say... byez

I think that Advent Children was great. One thing that was not so great was the story. There wasn't really a plot, just floating around, trying to kill Sephiroth and Kadaj(OMG! HE IS SO HOT), and Kadaj's henchmen(OMG! HOT TOO) there really wasn't a plot, I didn't even get the whole "Mother" thing. Though, that might just be that I didn't play the game and I might just be a little bit slow catching up to things. THough the plot was just floating out there, I think that the fight scenes were definately AWESOME! Tifa is so pretty! I loved the graphics too. Overall, because the plot wasn't that good, I'd give it a 7.9 out of 10



it was better than the first one, but i'm only watch it once, i got bore. however i love the was so cool




Eternal Antagonist

GAWD it looked awesome X'3 but honestly I was hoping for a little more...Cait Sith talked, what once? x'3 and that whole thing with Vincent...he gets all this screen time, but does he turn into a monster? No, not once! x'3 I sooo wanted to see that!




Follower of Toshiya - Basslord!

I looooooove it! The animation was astounding! I was mesmorised by some of the fight scenes, and the motorbike chase was incredible. Plus, the character design was fantastic...Sephiroth, Kadaj and Yazoo were just.....yum. The only problem I had was that I had to find background info on the story, 'cuz no matter how many patches I tried I couldn't get the game to work on my PC, thus I didn't have the game experience to draw on. But I still loved the film!

	Image Without Toshiya there is nothing!
(colourbar by caged of creep graphics)
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Dreaming Tank Buster

I loved the Advent Children movie. Each character's voice suits everyone. Reno, Cloud, yuffie...etc.
And the appearance of Sephiroth is Phenomenal! the gunblade was also used in the movie.

What can I say?
Let's~ Volt ~IN!

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