I do not have much to say than this is a great finish to the story. Most people have said that there is not enough plot
and its just eye candy. But think about it, everything was explained in FFVII you cannot add more plot to such a grand
story it would ruin it. They did the best that they could do and I think that this should be taken more as A Final FMV..
the last fight.
Graphics - 10/10, Absolutely amazing
Story 8.5/10 - don't think they could of expanded it that much more. And the stuff they could put in there was
clever enough I thought.
Characters 9/10 - Well most of them have already been explained during the game but still could not fit it all into 90
Sound - 10/10, since i am a metal fan I loved the fight music.. and piano just reaches right in there..It is a great ST
and I was not disappointed.
Tilt/Replay 10/10 - Enjoyable every time.
Overall- 9/10 (FF Fan View 10/10)
i personally think this is what was needed, a fight to end it all.. the plot was already in place. The action was
necessary as much as people complained. I loved every second of this movie. It was a pleasure to visit the world of
FFVII just one last time.
Just remember this.. most movies that have been made form a game have been directed by movie directors i think this is
pretty great for a team of game directors.. Don't think I've seen a better game to movie.. XD
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