Hi everyone,I was wandering do you all like Kira and Lacus and why?
I like Kira and Lacus because Kira is kind,handsome,brave and other more ,Lacus is kind,preety,song is lovely and other more. XD
Tagged under Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
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Hi everyone,I was wandering do you all like Kira and Lacus and why?
I like Kira and Lacus because Kira is kind,handsome,brave and other more ,Lacus is kind,preety,song is lovely and other more. XD
Kira and Lacus Together Forever
i don't like them,even i hate them.
becouse of their apearence Gundam Seed Destiny show was ruined.
and also Heine died becouse of their interfearence in the battle.
their apearence just make chaos to the show.
and also they're boring characters who act like they're always right.
that stupid kira killed Stellar without knowing that Shinn is trying to stop her peacefully(how evil he is).
Tokimeki No Hakumi
I guess I like them as a couple, I've only seen Gundam Seed, not GS: Destiny, but I would like to see the episode
in which that little video in ur avatar, takes place.
Kira and Lacus...yea sounds good, though I'm more of yaoi fan...^_^
How miserable we humans are...
I like them next to each other XD Pink and blue, they are a perfect match. However, that might be the reason why I don't really like this couple so much. I still think Athrun and Lacus will go better together although Athrun and Cagalli is still my OTP in the show.
Anyway I didn't vote. Because I am on the fence XD
Quote by Gressinii don't like them,even i hate them.
becouse of their apearence Gundam Seed Destiny show was ruined.
I agree with you here that in GSD their power was greatly overexaggerated and created a one sided fight everytime they participated.
Quote by Gressini
and also Heine died becouse of their interfearence in the battle.
their apearence just make chaos to the show.
Heine is one person. If they didn't interrupt how many lives would have been lost, maybe even minevra would've fallen, right then and there (if it were not for story they might've *lol*) Additionally, it's a war guys, c'mon let's be clear here. Things do happen that you don't expect... you gotta be able to handle the unknown. Nothing was wrong with Kira coming into the battles suddenly.
Quote by Gressini
and also they're boring characters who act like they're always right.
Yea, that's true, and I didn't like that part either. But Kira was given strong evidence that Zaft, or rather Dullindal was a sketchy guy. They weren't sure for the longest time, and they even doubted themselves at some point. Remember? that's why they stayed submerged for the longest while.
Quote by Gressini
that stupid kira killed Stellar without knowing that Shinn is trying to stop her peacefully(how evil he is).
Before my post triggers a Kira vs. Shinn flame, I warn you that that is not my point of this post. Kira gave Shinn AMPLE time for him to convince her to stop. Kira stopped attacking for a brief while and only resumed fighting when he saw Destroy powering up her weapons. Let's also not forget that when Shinn slashed the torso of the Destroy it sent shards flying which ... basically stabbed Stellar. When Shinn retrieved her from Destroy, all that time he spent talking to her might have been better spent trying to get her some medical attention. Stellar in that one battle killed probably thousands of people, but her death is a big deal and is called evil? Let's also not forget that she's military personel, and the people she killed were civilians... You're calling Kira evil? Relate this to hitler and the jews and tell me what you think of the death of Hitler. Also I noticed how you blamed Heine's death basically on kira because of his interference but failed to rationalize that it was actually Stellar who dealt the final blow.
Personally, I prefer Kira/Lacus in GS, in GSD... every character fails to meet a decent standard.
I like because will kira it is a pilot good and it is nice .lacus nice and is also very beautiful.
Geez..this is your third time posting this thread and you never do stop, do you?
Quote by Gressinii don't like them,even i hate them.
becouse of their apearence Gundam Seed Destiny show was ruined.
and also Heine died becouse of their interfearence in the battle.
their apearence just make chaos to the show.
and also they're boring characters who act like they're always right.
that stupid kira killed Stellar without knowing that Shinn is trying to stop her peacefully(how evil he is).
Boy, you have no idea how much I agree with you! They're such a boring couple.....whenever they appear on screen, i just skip their scenes... ~_~
Intertwined ways of life.
Admin/Mod of G00D| F.W.| AsuCaga| GS-A| C.G.K| F.M.D| J.T-MT| B.W.T.B| S.R| Tsubasa| Host-Club
hate them....gundam seed destiny was better off without them
NO !
why is everybody hating this sweet couple?
anwyay i love them...they are soo sweet plus kind...^^
minna yo ichi ya wo
actually i like this couple. the idiocricy in GSD is actually because of some idiots. you can't blame kira and lacus for that, they were actually trying to help the people of the world.
Proud to be a part of:
I have no real opinion about them in GS (well actually I dislike how much Lacus's evolution was far-fetched).
But in GSD they were truly annoying characters, too good, too rigth. That's quite kill the story. These colonies,
no problem anyway Zaft will take of this Symphony thing, the destruction of the Alliance HQ seems more shocking for them
(while as Djibril said it was a threathening place).
Wonder if Lacus has a seeing gift.
i personally got against them as a couple...in fact i think kira and lacus match up together very well in terms of pesonalities...i think they are a much better couple than athrun and lacus would have been in gundam seed...
Who is the enemy?
I like kira and lacus because they just work the best. I feel I am like kira so it feels to me that Lacus works for me as well.
A true lover of Lacus Member of Kira-and-Lacus-in-Love
if you watched the second season (destiny) they dedicated a whole episode to how Kira and Lacus were destined to come together.
Gain a little Perspective
i hate'em.
but i dont know why on focus
Kira is brave, nice, handsome and righteous. He always think before he act, he knows stuff ppl dont think of and hes
peacful mostly. And he doesnt like killing.
I dont agree with them as a couple, they might go on well but, no, i dun like it. I havent seen all GSD but ive seen GS
and it was perfect. I think, in GSD...the people are too....weak, there is no inner depth. Like the characters have
strayed from their former rols, people are too doubting in this serie. Not good for the characters image of being
Lacus...I dont really like her...she is ok, butI dont know, shes too guillable i think, i cant really find the right
word but, i feel like she almost fit the describtion that i have on a blond idiot.
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Love them.. just look at my profile!
Quote by Gressini
i don't like them,even i hate them.
becouse of their apearence Gundam Seed Destiny show was ruined.
and also Heine died becouse of their interfearence in the battle.
their apearence just make chaos to the show.
and also they're boring characters who act like they're always right.
that stupid kira killed Stellar without knowing that Shinn is trying to stop her peacefully(how evil he is).
Hey i totally disagree with Gressini as if kira didn't kill heine the show would just sucks and if he did not follow kira from behind,STELLAR(the real killer)won't kill heine in an accident so kira isn't really in fault.And if kira didn't appear in GSD the show would just sucks alot and also end quickly.Also it wasn't kira fault that stellar died, stellar was about to fire luckly kira stopped her cos if he didn't stop her,u should think how many ppl who have died and how many already died.So i like kira and lacus cos they r always right not like the chairman who used meer or mia to dress as a fake lacus and mislead ZAFT. so both kira and lacus should be liked
No reason to dislike both of them.
Not really like them, but not hate...
I have only watched Gundam Seed but not Destiny...
I found their relationshop development a bit mysterious..Suddenly they became couple, so strange...
Quote by rainbowflareonI found their relationshop development a bit mysterious..Suddenly they became couple, so strange...
Well, as I see it, even in GS, there was no real affection between Lacus & Athrun in the first place. IIRC, Lacus
even said she liked Kira & that's when Athrun was visiting her at the Clyne estate! C'mon, she's not
supposed to say she likes someone else when her fiance is visiting! That is teh first indicator that while Lacus/Athrun
are close but the adoration/fondness is kinda missing.
As for Kira, I think he was kinda dissapointed when Lacus told him for the first time at the observation deck that she was engaged to Athrun but he was quick to hide it. Then, she must have been impressed with Kira's willingness to disobey orders to get her out of Archangel, his stance towards the war, etc. Notwithstanding their temp separation, I think that's when the whole thing starts to go downhill for both of them...in a good way, that is.
I like Kira and Lacus together. Because they were kinda destined to be together and they make a really cute couple.
I like Kira and Lacus, although they are not my favorites or my favorite couple. I find them to be kinda boring on screen, they're moments rather expected or similar to the one before that... and they did happen to ruin Destiny imo too...
I liked their couple in SEED though. Both are really cool in SEED as well.. it's just Destiny... ::sighs:: They should have never been in Destiny that much, simply because too many characters to focus on, they always 'seemed' right (though they weren't right, since what is 'right' can be MANY things (Kira and Athrun talked about this in Destiny, more or less, eps 46? or around there))
I like Shinn better than Kira. :P (Off-topic) (Athrun's my favorite!) And I like Athrun/Cagalli, Shinn/Stellar, Athrun/Meyrin, Mwu/Murrue better than Kira/Lacus. <3
Quote by Gressinii don't like them,even i hate them.
becouse of their apearence Gundam Seed Destiny show was ruined.
and also Heine died becouse of their interfearence in the battle.
their apearence just make chaos to the show.
and also they're boring characters who act like they're always right.
that stupid kira killed Stellar without knowing that Shinn is trying to stop her peacefully(how evil he is).
how dare you say my favorite couple!
merged: 11-12-2005 ~ 05:23pm
Quote by Yureika NO !
why is everybody hating this sweet couple?
anwyay i love them...they are soo sweet plus kind...^^
ya, same thing as me
merged: 11-12-2005 ~ 05:24pm
Quote by champ0342if you watched the second season (destiny) they dedicated a whole episode to how Kira and Lacus were destined to come together.
right,you are right champ0342
Kira and Lacus Together Forever
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