What do you prefer most about saiyuki? Do you like the storyline or the art better?
Tagged under Saiyuki
Story or art?
- Story
- 9 votes
- Art
- 10 votes
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- Nov 16, 2005
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i think saiyuki's storyline is good but it's a bit boring. I love it because of it's art more ---> wonderful ><
- Nov 17, 2005
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I like saiyuki! the storyline is really good! the art is really good too! what i like about the story is that it is not limited to certain events.
- Dec 03, 2005
- Gallery
Such a hard decision to make...her artwork kicks @$$, or I wouldn't have hunted down the artbooks, and the storyline makes you want to know more...the before story, 500 years before (what happened up in heaven?)...aaah...can't wait for --translated---manga--to come out--fast--enough!
So the answer to your poll is: yes
- Dec 14, 2005
- Gallery
Both the same. Really with out the story, the art is pointless, and without the art, what kind of story is it?
- Mar 06, 2006
- Gallery
Well I'm going to speak about anime in general cause the thread title does not speak about Saiyuki. I can't vote in either direction because I like both art and story. If an anime has a really good story, the art will grow on me as time goes. If the art is really good...it helps the crappy story go along better, hehe. For my choices I guess it would just depend upon what kind of mood I am in at the time, if I want something deep, or just superficial. Anyways, there ya go.
- Mar 06, 2006
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i also like to talk about anime in genral
of course anime has to have a good story but whats the best story when the drawings are poor
and ugly? I like anime with an high quality drawing much more then the others, but today in times
of computers and stuff anime with very poor drawings are gone for god sake
- Mar 06, 2006
- Gallery
I voted art because saiyuki hasn't really got a story...It's more about the characters maturing and challenging with their past...And that's the reason I love this series!
- Jun 04, 2006
- Gallery
most of the time with anime i prefer art cause sometimes the story of something can be boring or wack, unless if its funny, but also sometimes the art wont be good as either the story, thats just me though
- Jun 04, 2006
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I voted art more or less for ekidna's same reasons. Though I think Saiyuki has a plot, and a tough one! And I find that parallel story (gaiden) is something smart. Minekura has a very personal style for narration, things happen exactly when you're just beginning to think how the four guys have changed in the course of the story :)
!Death to J-Rock scans! >.<
What is Kayurachan doing? Just see it on my userpage :3
Sheq says: XD one sec, eating an egg XP- Jun 04, 2006
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I voted the story because of ekidna's comment. I find it really interesting how they face their past and became maturer.
- Jan 26, 2007
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- Jun 18, 2007
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- Currently watching: Horimiya, Noragami, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
- Jun 19, 2007
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