Some of little help with Hellsing!

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"The Hedgehog's Dilemma"

Please, dont make fun of me, but there's a few things i dont get about Hellsing.
I think you all have already realize that, no matter what kind of anime could be, there's always a love story in it, then...

1:Is Alucard in love with someone?
2: Is really Victoria in love with Alucard?


1: Why does Alucard offer his blood to Integra?
2: what is exactly Alexander, from the Iscariote organization?

By the way...

Besides the 13 episodes anime... (and the end dont have a conclution) what's next? Is there a movie or something?

Please inform me!
Thanks! ^_^'

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DVD Box Designer

A new Hellsing OVA series is in production right now that is based more closely on the manga, which would make it a better version as far as most are concerned. As for your questions, I don't want to answer them as I have only seen the original anime series so far. I think those are best left to be answered by someone who has read the manga (I have all of the manga that is available in the US so far, but I haven't read them yet).



Nani mono ka? Namae nanka...

Well i havent see the Ova yet so i don't know why he offer his blood. By the way i dont think he is in love with Victoria. :D


I've read the manga, and there's not much love in it, but a french soldier called Pip Bernadette finally manages to steal Seras' heart after many attempts.
About Alucard and Integra: "their relationship is master and servant and twisted love like that can be allowed" - said Kouta Hirano himself.
The anime is very different from the manga, in which Alucard isn't in love with Seras, nor with Integra. But since the manga has two volumes left, we can cheer for them. :D
What exactly Anderson is? Well, that's a good question, in the manga he just turned into some kind of a monster...

i think i can help you out. Thier is an OVA series out right now that is closely based off the manga. You should get it if you like the TV series. The TV series i think was like a demo. It didn't really explain the characters, plot, nor did it stick to the manga at all. Their are three OVAs out right now with a fourth on the way. Kouta Hirano said that he will complete the Hellsing series in a year or two. He also did say that the relationship with Alucard & Integra will be further detailed, which will answer the question if he is in love with her and vise versa. Seres Victoria is not in love with Alucard. She has this hero worship/authoritive figure of him, and Alucard is not in love with Victoria, it's more like a teacher/student and somewhat father/daughter relationship. Even Hirano said he isn't sure what to make of this pairing. In the TV series Alucard offers his blood to Integra because he wanted her to be stronger than in her previous state as a human. Alexander is a priest but also runs an orphanage. He is basically like Alucard but on a different side of faith. He's a catholic and a worthy enemy to Alucard. farther in the manga, Alexander and Alucard are in a heated battle then Alexander pulls a relic; a nail from the cross of Jesus. Alexander pierces his heart with the nail to become more powerful than Alucard so he can kill him. But a powerful scene in the manga shows Alucard BEGGING Alexander not to stab himself with the holy artifact or he'll become a monster like himself. This shows us that Alucard sees himself as a monster, but does not want anybody else to share his fate for Alucard later in his life regreats his decision. I hope this helps with your curiosity or you probably already found your answer. glad i can help anybody in the future.


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