a question of likes...

Tagged under Saiyuki

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how should I put this... Saiyuki is without doubt my favourite anime of all time...

however most fans that I met are either girls who are attracted to the characters... or guys who are attracted to the characters...

long story short (and please I don't mean to offend anyone whatsoever)... Am I the only straight male who likes saiyuki? or are all other male fans of saiyuki homosexuals?

no offense to anyone...



Dark Angel Of Silence

I think I've heard of this anime, although I'm not quite sure.

I think you need to broaden your horizons. I'm a girl who watches Saiyuki, like it, and who isn't attracted to any of the males in there... because I think they're all ugly. Ok let me rephrase that: Because I don't feel they're aethetically pleasing. Does this help? ^_^

I watch it due to the Chinese fable behind it.

Haha and I'm not a homosexual either.



..my heart is crying out loud...

i watched saiyuki because it's so funny... though i won't say the characters are actually gorgeous or pretty boy type... it's interesting to note how they change a chinese story into something new... refreshing in fact..

also i do find the characters quite manly.. unlike those in the chinese fable.. so thus it's nice!


proud member of Nippon-Foods | JapaneseLover | Chibi-Fest

So I'm not the only one... that's good to know...

Saiyuki is the best! It's really funni as well. Course, lots of the ppl who like it are fangirls. LOl. It's either -- ppl think the guys are hot, or they're kool. ^^ I choose both. =)

I like saiyuki coz I think its pretty funny.. and sometimes I find some of the story's content quite meaningful.. ( i guess ) Well.. i think i'm more attracted by their attitudes than their looks~ hehe

I like saiyuki for a number of different reasons, most of which have already been said: It’s a neat twist on an old legend, it’s a mixture of comedy and action ^^ and for the characters being cute? Well, that’s just a small bonus :P

Loving Anime and the beautiful males and females no matter your gender is the right of every Otaku. In fact I would say it is one of the many demands and standards for being an Otaku. In my eyes if you only lust after male characters then you're only half-way there. Anime in its purest form is the most addictive and attractive form of entertainment there is out there. The men are beautiful the women are beautiful and all are made as eye candy...that and also what an ideal lover should be. Even if you are the only one love then be happy in the fact and insanity that Saiyuki belongs only to you in that special way. Claim him as yours and never let anyone else take him...BE A TRUE OTAKU! Be selfish and possessive...even if it means being gay about it...Anime is what MUST be loved so love it every kind of way you can WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Signature Image
When you say its name out loud you can take away its power and some times end its life...

I love Saiyuki! I read the first manga and was sooo into it! I love the music, the voice acting, and the story all together. I love how different the characters are personality wise and all the different kinds of weaponry. This one stood out to me a lot.




Balancer Apprentice

haha..the funny thing is I liked the show DESPITE the bishies there..Cool characters, kickass action moments and good animation (at least for the first season...). I personally find bishonens' sparkles hurt my eyes alot..but with saiyuki, I can at least bear with the sparkles..

~ Bored of getting bored with boredom ~

I'm a girl who likes Saiyuki for it's blood and comedy. Nothing more. Since I can't tell if a guy is hot or not, it bugs me to no end when girls say how hot so and so from such and such is. Seriously, it's far more entertaining when you're not thinking about looks and thinking more about the laugh between blood soaked scenes.

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