One on One match

Tagged under Samurai Champloo

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My cookies!

I've recently watched Samurai Champloo but I did not see the ending. Jin and Mugen are obviously equally matched. If they fought to the death x_x, who do you guys think will win? I think Mugen will cut Jin.

Yeah.... Credits to Elena (Toya999) for the sig, err the avatar.



p|-|33R |v|1 l33t 5|<1llZ

uummm not to dissappoint you, but this can be concidered as a verses thread but i don't know.

but to answer your question, i would say that ahhhh that both wil die in the last fatal slash, because i like them both

hey our roomies are wasted so when we get back to your place,
i'll show you what l33t things i can do to your 5y573|v|Z,
i'll make them 5cr34|v|



My cookies!

You like em both huh? Thats cool. However I'd like one winner. Sorry and thanks! ^_^'

Yeah.... Credits to Elena (Toya999) for the sig, err the avatar.

One winner, hmm...? I think Jin would win in the end, because he's cold and calculated... It's true that Mugen fights on instinct, but if he sees he can't win quickly he gets all furious and crazy and stuff, and furious people make mistakes... That's how I see it ^_^



Lost Myself

Quote by OdeenaOne winner, hmm...? I think Jin would win in the end, because he's cold and calculated... It's true that Mugen fights on instinct, but if he sees he can't win quickly he gets all furious and crazy and stuff, and furious people make mistakes... That's how I see it ^_^

I agree. Mugen is a kick butt fighter, but he definitely loses his cool sometimes. And although his style kind of evolves with that, it's always said that if you lose your cool, you lose your focus and get sloppy. It would be really difficult to make Jin lose his cool. So I'd have to say Jin would win.

You need only believe. . .




personally, i would win, scribbles on paper are erase ~_^


well, technically i would think Jin would win, too. however, this has already been settled in the series, where, in the final episode, Jin and Mugen have a fight and they end up breaking each others' swords and they give up their dueling. so the real answer is: neither of them would win. (but Jin should have!)

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