Can anyone give me any info. on DN Angel?

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Can anyone give me any information on DN Angel?

merged: 01-02-2006 ~ 04:21am
well i have only read 2 volumes of DN Angel and i am hooked. the thing is, i heard that satoshi will end up liking risa, and i want to know if that's true.





Well, during the 10 volumes that are out right now, that does not seem to be true.



~ Erase & Rewrite ~

Can't say much about the manga, but in the anime there is no evidence of that, until episode 26 (the last ep) where you could say that there is "something" between those 2... but that depends on your point of view, cause there was nothing "too explicit".

And then, there is one episode where Risa faints and Satoshi covers here with his coat and leaves here in a bench, but that's about it...

"i heard that satoshi will end up liking risa"

I say go read the whole thing OR watch the anime. Does it matter?

I only saw the the manga a lot better?

to krazychau:
yes! it does matter! and yes, i will read the whole thing sooner or later.

to allycat2005:
i've only read the manga.. is the anime alot better?

well thanks everyone for the information. ^^




~Ice shadow~

To Rinnie and Allycat:
I personally think that tha manga's ALOT better... but that's just me. The story is different in the anime than it is in the manga.. it's kinda weird...

And, for a while, I thought Satoshi would end up liking Risa ( which is a bad thing for me... cuz I hate her guts T.T )
but I'm up to the tenth volume... and it really doesn't look like he's even paying any attention to her ( although, he may have done a few things here and there.. but that stops after a while). He pays more attention to Daisuke than anything. ^^;;;


i agree with you koori! i thought satoshi would end up liking risa but i hated risa because she was such a brat! fortunately it doesn't look like he's interested in her at all! ^__^


well the main characters are daisuke,dark,riku,risa satoshi,and krad



Passionate Anime Lover

Quote by RinnieSati agree with you koori! i thought satoshi would end up liking risa but i hated risa because she was such a brat! fortunately it doesn't look like he's interested in her at all! ^__^

Yeah... There were some hints that may possibly lead you in concluding that Satoshi would end up likng Risa, but from what I've read so far, Satoshi's more focused on Dark and Daisuke.

Um... I also have a question, is it true that Dark may end up liking Risa in the manga. Someone told me that Dark really really got angry when Risa was kidnapped when they had a date.




There have been some implications to the Satoshi x Risa pair, however in both the manga and anime the implications are not too great. It only seems like it for a moment, but that is more than what Risa deserves. I hated her from chapter one. She also didn't deserve that date with Dark of course. THough I am glad Dark made her cry. (Note: ZERO SYMPATHY) =_=

Evil Mind Good Heart

Hey, i totally recommend watching the anime, but it does not end the same way the manga does, in fact the manga skips this part, and is still ongoing, but still the anime is really good, and follows the manga pretty well up to the last episode where it ends, and the manga does not follow the last episode. So, yea i would 100% recommend the anime.



Some title...?

In the manga after volume 2 (I think) there are some moments between Satoshi and Risa for example using her for the study of femininity (Volume 3), falling asleep on her shoulder, stroking her hair after Daisuke saved her from drowning and saving her from falling of the top of a building. It's really cute! :D

~Mel wuz here~

D.N.Angel animation does not end the same way the manga does!
so you no need to pay any attantion to that news
"satoshi will end up liking risa"
I guess the author will give us a different anding from the animation to manga!
I am still looking forward to the ending of manga!

There have been hints but why would sugisaki-san put them in and then make them disappear and have no purpose at all? I dunno...I think that this pairing is a possibility. Although I don't think they could really ever be on the same wave length...I mean Satoshi's been through all this pain and Krad and lonliness...and the worst Risa has ever been through is, like, worrying about what she looks like -.- like I said: I dunnoooo

I think the best thing is to read the manga and watch the anime they are both good, but i think the manga better it might have another ending which will be the original one, and maybe something between risa and satoshi happens in between ^.^

ok the only i like about the anime was the voice who played dark( cause its the same guy who plays edward in fullmetal alchemist) but i heard the manga is a lot better.

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