hay i was wondering if there was like a way to give someone else you credits like give one of your freinds 20 credits as a birthday present or something you know what i mean i mean yes i know that some people would probly make a new acount and then transfer it's money to there main but i mean a ligit like if i wanted to give some one like Danielbgrisso or anglerhea (just to name names that come to mind quickly) MTCRED gifts for christmas or their birthday is there a way to do that
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Only in the dark of your soul can you reveal the light of your heart" Stephen Penton
- Currently watching: Bleach, Naruto
- Jan 10, 2006
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I think the ansewer is No, but I'm not quite too sure about it.
Just look at the bright side at least you can
feed a monkey some bananas. :D XP :)- Jan 10, 2006
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