Demon Diary (Manga)

Tagged under Demon Diary

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Great Teacher Largo - MegaTokyo

Hello Me agian,

Demon Diary is a very interesting manga anyone ever read this i would like to talk about it as well as ask what charactor you think is the funnyist.

You are all going to fight the Zombies, you can take my mind but not my spirt. Mosh Mosh Revolution!!!



sry not active as i use to be

I love this Korean manhwa (Jap=Manga) too ^_^

"artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity"
------->>Currently Inactive



Great Teacher Largo - MegaTokyo

lol the charactor aren't what you expect at all and well the story line takes a few twists but overall the manga is very enjoyable

You are all going to fight the Zombies, you can take my mind but not my spirt. Mosh Mosh Revolution!!!

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