Fate stay night: whose master would you want to be?

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whose master would you want to be

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i'd probably want to be Saber's master. for one thing, she's the coolest anime character i've seen in a loooooong time and i'm biased for Palladin class types (my main character in D2: LOD was a paladin). second in line would probably rider. she's yet another extremely cool character and again i'm biased for the assassin class type because that's my character class in RO (say what you want but i think she's more of an assassin type than kojiro and that true assassin guy).

if archer wasn't a guy, i'd probably pick that class to since he likes cleaning up and stuff (go servant and make yourself useful and earn your keep) :D hurray for boy butler. lolz

PS (i wasn't able to include Lancer in the poll options since there are only 6 slots. sorry about that)



- Alstroemeria Records -

I am sure there can be many more slots...
somehow you did not do that lol.
anyhow, I guess I will take Caster, the reason is simple, being a magic caster, she is very powerful, and she is always one of those who fights from behind the lines, that I like, especially the powerful magic she can release.
Only thing about her is that she is weak in physical....otherwise she would have been great...

Then again, if I am serious, I would definitely choose Lancer, Lancer's abilities are not strong, however, he is physically powerful, the reason being that his weapon is semi ranged, has a piercing ability which makes him very powerful in frontal attacks.

Plus, "Gae Bolg" is a defense counter ability, now who doesn't want that? The only thing bad was Rider's abilities which challenges him, having both ranged and a far superior Noble Phantasm...

Lancer is also the fastest after Assasin and (T.Assasin), so basically, he is a very balanced servant, and if summoned correctly and used wisely, I believe he is perhaps the strongest servant after Saber (Not including D.S.) Agility matched with killing power.

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The wind of destiny blows, and the descendant shall walk the earth once more...

Definitely Saber! She's cool and strong!



Eternally Frozen in Time

I can't decide between Rider and Archer. Archer because of his long ranged ability. Archery has always been something that I feel match my personality. Rider for almost the same reason. Her speed and long ranged weapons is what I like very much. And both of them are very collected and calm. Lancer is pretty cool as well, but I find him a bit too hot tempered, on the brink of insane. XD

Oh well, I'll go for Archer in the poll. XP

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Tokimeki No Hakumi

Saber coz she is cool,strong,cute and sometimes she can be funny. (i saw it in the game she is really funny)
the second one is Assassin the cool samurai.

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Tokimeki No Hakumi

Sabre Sabre Sabre Sabre!
Who else! Sabre!
She's the strongest and she's real good to look at and her character is much to be admired!
Of course she's the one!




I'd like to be Archer's master. He's so cool and I really like his character. XD

Newest Wallpaper: Anyone and Anything XD

Yare yare, who else i'd choose besides Saber-chan? She's the cutest and the most beautiful anime girl i've ever seen in any anime. XP She has that beautiful smile that would evoke a nice spring day in the dead of winter...

Not just that, she's also the strongest servant of all others, a very loyal servant because she's a knight, very strong resistance against magical attacks, and wields the invisible Ex******r as her weapon. Cool outfit too... :hmpf:


A dream box

Archer! Because he just looks too cool!

Face your fears, Live your dreams

lol everyone. ok 3/4 of you want to be saber's master, but beserker was the one who almost killed her am i right? so... im going with beserker

hmmm- saber probably for her loyalty, and she's cute! rider- because she's just amazing- i think her character design is one of the coolest i've seen in a long time.

i think rider, im only up to episode 7 but from what i have seen she's really strong. saber is ok, but she does not seem to be all that good, plus the really weird.

Of Course Saber

But Not as My servant but as my Girlfiriends hehehe

definetely Saber (that was a pretty easy question ^^) because she is sooo cute, and she is also very strong (she's the strongest servant, and one of the coolest anime character i've seen...)

pawafaru hikaru kurofomuru !

i like archer! He's cute and his dual blades are cool. :)
he's cool!

YoU cAn SaY tHe MoSt WoNdErFuL tHiNgS iF yOu WaNt To

I'm gonna be unique and say assassin. He is just so calm and awesome, and he seems like if he respected you he'd be very loyal.



Shin no Noir

I would pick Saber, reason being that she's both loyal and follows a Knight's code of Honor, maintaining a noble sense of justice. Not to mention that she's also cool and kawaii, and packs a decent punch :D



- Alstroemeria Records -

Quote by blkheavenlol everyone. ok 3/4 of you want to be saber's master, but beserker was the one who almost killed her am i right? so... im going with beserker

you do realize the intense amount of Mana you must have to summon and control Berserker right?
The pressure alone plus, the possibility of Berserker losing its head on the master is damn high.
Unless you have a lot of mana to spare with some real expert Magi training, that is not an option, it will kill you.

Choosing something in between with a Noble Phantasm and Magic Resistance at "B" level is good enough like Lancer, Assasin, Archer, Rider does not really count, her Noble Phantasm is SA level.

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The wind of destiny blows, and the descendant shall walk the earth once more...

Definitely Caster, her enhancement sorcery is awesome. Plus their's the potential that her noble phantasm has. Not to mention she's hot under that hood.

Saber of course. She's a character you can't easily forget, and that's not because she's the most powerful Servant.

Archer for me. I would have been saber, but after watching episode 14, I changed my mind. Archer was badass in that episode.

well, I would say Saber since she's my favorite. My second would be Archer because of his speech plus the eps 14! Unlimited Blade Work!

archer because i like his seiryu and episoide 14 is so cool

Saber, heh.. she's so adorable.

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