Black Cat.. Is the manga or the anime better?

Tagged under Black Cat

Which is better?

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Can't choose, both great!
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I love them both but I prefer the anime. :)

I was just wondering which one you prefer?



~sitting in the silence~

The manga definitly. has a wide storyline, lots of comedy and lots lots lots lots lots of things that didn't appear in the anime. especially when you need at least 19 manga books to defeat Creed and in the anime 19 eps. I mean...!




manga hands down



Yeah... I read the manga and still watching the anime. What a disappointment that the series is so short! They missed so much stuff out. I wish they would've spent just a little bit more time on the anime. Oh well, Train is awesome!



..:: Kuro ::..

The manga, no doubt. First of all I think that the plot of the manga is way better (I agree with what Kairi said), and so is the character design. I mean, just look at Train. He looks way wilder and cooler in the manga. I must admit that I even was dissapointed when I saw that they had turned Train in the anime from a cool cat killer (manga) into a friendly looking teenager. The manga managed to dazzle me right from the start, but the anime didn't. That doesn't mean I'm not enjoying watching the anime, it's really good, but the manga is soooooooooooooo much better !


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Manga! Manga's are usually better than the anime especially when it comes to the story since the story is frequently compressed when it comes to the anime.

i like both of them




Anime sux! i almost cry when saw Train´s design, and the, what where they thinking? Train/Sven friendship is all messed up, skiped great situations, turned upside down things (never forgive them for changing the dinosaur episode, Train all dressed up... ;-; that was priceless!) and now, Creed/Sephiria was a joke, right?

Still liked the music =) at least.

Sry, i´m in a awfull mood D:



Super Kawaii

Definitely the manga! the anime was way too short and they cut out lots of good parts. The beggining was different form the manga too. The anime was pretty good, but there were so many parts that were gone.

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The anime no doubts about that... The anime story has a way better explaining than the manga one..and for the one can say that the manga's are better than those of the anime, like Creed in the first appearances. Anyway I agree that Black Cat is a great story both manga and Anime.



wherever fate leads me

definitely the manga...
its takes longer to read and go through the scenes...more time to sit at stare at the pages...^^ plus the background stuff is missing from the anime...slightly changed. the original is always the best.

'Those who have wings, Fly your dreams'

zuruzuru zuruzuru


A dream box

In my opinion, the manga is better, mopstly because the characters look a lot more mature. But I still loved the anime. I guess they are different and both good.

Face your fears, Live your dreams

Manga is great. i prefer manga than the anime, but i still like the anime. for the beginning of the story i prefer the manga. Saya pop out too early in anime. but i enjoyed both of it.

I do like anime, but with manga based anime (which is most of them), I find that the manga explains more of the story (Berserk for example). So I would have to say that manga is better (not taking away from anime, their great).



Ryu,the half demon

Anime is better!who wants to read when u can watch the cool and great gaphics of anime?

Manga because I prefer the storyline of the manga and the story begins with Train and Sven so it goes right to the point while the anime shows Trains past...

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I prefer manga, the story is clear and funnier than the anime
The anime starts with Train's past. B'coz of that,the story become a little bit dull. Plus the anime is too short so i feel disappointed.


Chairman of The SB Pictures

The manga is the best! The characters in the anime are sooooo dumb!
Poor Sven-chan... T____T

Does anyone know who many volumes the manga is?

lol the manga is 10 times better compared to the anime o-o.. But the anime brought out the relationship b/w saya and train better and its more emotional o-o... thats probably the only thing its better at xD... The anime changed the storyline and sorta pulled a weak full metal alchemist while it was at it -___-... would've been better if they animated the manga storyline T.T

manga, lot more comedy there, and there is a lot of story, unlike the anime run, i wish it ran for more than 23. the ending was somewhat short too. it was lacking something. i bet they rushed it just to finish the run.

Of course the anime is way better, coz Train Heartnet is much more handsome in the anime...he..he... :D

Quote by PinksodaDoes anyone know who many volumes the manga is?

if im not mistaken its 20 volumes, and is available via torrents, or in but only til volume 17 only. also it has one extra chapter where eve finally gets her official sweeper liscence with leons help. the manga however only runs till the creed train battle, no eden storyline.

The anime is kinda short but i prefer watching it than reading about it. But i kinda agree, the anime is too short.

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