All about Yukikaze ;)

Tagged under Sentou Yousei Yukikaze

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Siegfried System

Well, i have watched it some time ago... and I found a really GREAT story and a really care animation.
The music match with the atmosphere and the design are just... o.o originals.
Maybe it is a bit short... but it works.

What do you think? Have you watched it? read the manga maybe?
Talk about Yukikaze!

PS: you are allowed to do anything related to this OVA title ^^

~ We can fly together ~



The Alfa Bloke

Yeah, I've seen it, the whole thing.

I personally found the storyline tended to jump around a bit, but that may have just been because of the short time span of the whole OVA. It also messed with my head a bit, that can be a good thing, or a bad thing, depends on how tired I am :P

What REALLY got me hooked was the flying. The attention to detail on the planes, the way they moved and flew really got me. I'm an aviation nut adn would definately rate it as having possibly THE most riviting air combat I have ever seen, including stuff like "Top Gun" and "Stealth". The cockpit detail was excellent, and the jargon used was also unerringly accurate.

I also liked how the producers had made an effort to get the military terms correct. I could actually understand what was going on, rather than having to translate from "stupid speak".

Basically I loved it.

Wraith 11

Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV - Heaven on a transaxel



Siegfried System

Quote by wraith11Yeah, I've seen it, the whole thing.

I personally found the storyline tended to jump around a bit, but that may have just been because of the short time span of the whole OVA. It also messed with my head a bit, that can be a good thing, or a bad thing, depends on how tired I am :P

What REALLY got me hooked was the flying. The attention to detail on the planes, the way they moved and flew really got me. I'm an aviation nut adn would definately rate it as having possibly THE most riviting air combat I have ever seen, including stuff like "Top Gun" and "Stealth". The cockpit detail was excellent, and the jargon used was also unerringly accurate.

I also liked how the producers had made an effort to get the military terms correct. I could actually understand what was going on, rather than having to translate from "stupid speak".

Basically I loved it.

Wraith 11

That's right! the military terms are very well used too :D
The desing is not "fantastic" and i like that over anything ^^
Thank you for comment here! :D

~ We can fly together ~




woho my bro likes this kind of anime..but one night i was curious because i like how the characters are drawn
and i wasn not disapointed at all
i think that Rei Fukay is the best pilot ever..damn what he and Yukikaze made togheter
the scenes and all are well conceived
the story is a little confusing..but in the last episode i found my self stuck on the chair
it was amazing.. >_<

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Siegfried System

That's right! You just CANT stand up of your chair...
I was freeze! What a perfect final!
I am glad that you comment (and sorry for be late here XD)

~ We can fly together ~


Retired Moderator


likes rainbows :D

The animation sequence is pretty amazing, esp the CGed explosions and flight scenes, though sometimes all that 3-D stuff looks out of place when used together with 2-D character animation... The last episode I didn't quite understand, and found the whole plot rather confusing (of course, it didn't help that I missed the first episode...). But the character design and voice acting are pretty good. I actually liked ep 3 the best (the one with Tom...)



Siegfried System

The one with Tom is heartbreaking!
You have to watch the first episode as well xD
Anyway, is a bit confusing, but, if you think about it, it is not that hard ;)

And yes... when they use 2D and 3D seems a bit strange, but it is not bad... is AWESOME! A really great job! *////*

~ We can fly together ~

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