Mt or Ms

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what better MiniTokyo(A.K.A. MT) or Myspace(A.K.A. MS) i've been aruging with my freinds saying that Ms is better so what do you all think and don't say Mt just cause your on Mt if you realy like Ms better say it or do you like some other fourm and prfile type page place

Only in the dark of your soul can you reveal the light of your heart" Stephen Penton



Lover of shirtless anime men

Well I personally have never been interested in myspace probably because there aren't any people my age on there. I can't say for sure, I've never actually seen anybody's profile. I just think it's full of horny teenagers showing off for other horny teenagers. And what's even worse than that people from your past can get back in touch with you! *cringe*

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Thanks again to Tinbad for my avi and sig

i choice other, i don't really understand ms, but mt is hardly good anymore. and anyone who trys to flame me for my statement you can stfu.

Myspace is a web design nightmare, with overlapping streaming audio and videos playing everywhere, plus the fact that it is totally unfocused, it is just an open-ended community.

In that sense comparing it to MT is pointless, as this is a community which is heavily focused; on anime, games and other aspects of Japanese culture (or so the description goes). In that way this site is under a lot more strict content control, which has its ups and downs.

When I joined MT 50 odd weeks ago, the community did seem a whole lot more alive than it is now, which is sad because I enjoyed it when the forums actually moved rather than stagnated and you didn't have to sit there and plan your credit usage like a famine was approaching, overall MTs interface is a whole lot less friendly that it used to be all in the name of keeping out leeches. Pointless really.

I not interested in my space. I like mt because I have friends here.

My your light and dark Ka form the perfect BA.

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