We can discuss anything that is connected to Weiss Kreuz. The story, the characters. Who is your favourite one, or why don't you like someone in the story?
Tagged under Weiss Kreuz
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- Jun 17, 2006
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I LOVE AYA! And i hate sakura, cos she likes aya...
*tRue loVe prEvaiLs - asuCaga*
- Aug 09, 2006
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Well, I really liked both series 1 and series 2 but I think that seeing the first series really helped me understand what was going on with the characters when I saw the second series :) I thought the second series was quite sombre/more serious compared to the first. My favourite character has to be Aya... he had such a way with words in the first series and looked so lovely in that apron he wore when working :D I forgot to mention what lovely hair he's got as well! I have to admit I'm a sucker where it comes to redheads... especially those with long hair like Aya and Kenshin ;) for me, Aya only got better when they hit series 2 both in looks and character development :) he has to be one of the most saddest and tragic heroes I have ever come across with regards to anime... although I enjoyed watching the second series I found that it affected me because I found it so tragic and sad... especially the last couple of episodes in connection with Aya... in the end, after watching it for a few times in succession I decided to put this anime away because of this and pull out something a bit more light-hearted instead ^_^' the one character in this series that annoyed me every now and again has to be Omi I'm afraid... many people have said it's just a very bad rip-off of Saiyuki but I don't think so at all and I like the both of them :) the opening themes for both of them in the first series is a bit too similar for my liking and invites you to think like this so I think that those working on Weiss Kreuz made a very bad error when they did this but the opening theme and accompanying video which they had for the second season of Weiss Kreuz was absolutely fabulous as far as I'm concerned... actually, I'm not really sure where it comes just that it does make up the beginning or ending at some part during season 2, it's the one where they're all covered in blood and in the background you have a cross and statues of Angels etc it does an excellent job of summing up all of their feelings as far as I'm concerned :) I can't quite remember at what stage in the series this video was used because the last time I saw this series was about a year ago I'm afraid ^_^'
- Aug 09, 2006
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Missy, I think I agree with you in 90%.
My favourite is Aya in this series but I like Omi as well and the other members of Weiss. About redheads, - yeah, especially long haired guys - I'm the same as you, many times. :DIt was a good thing that the creator hadn't chosen one character from the four of them and told only his story but worked up all the four guys' story and past. All of them have a painful past, it was really sad to get to know it all.
For me, it was very strange that in the 2nd season they got a new appearance. I hardly got to used to it all. (But finally I could ;) ) But it is a bit strange for me even now. But I was glad because of the graphics development.The 1st season's opening is unknown for me because I have episodes which haven't got opening so I haven't seen it.
Thank you for sharing your opinions. :)
- Aug 10, 2006
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i really like weiss kreuz and thinks it's a cool anime with unique plot. the characters in the first series look stylish and it's a pity that their designs have to be changed in gluhen. i liked the opening and ending songs too. im now have aya's hairstyle but i prefer omi's orange head in the first series. if there really is a hana shop with cool shonen as owners i'd drop by to buy flowers frequently haha.
- Aug 13, 2006
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