Elfen lied secound season

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i dont know about you people but i think a secound season of elfen lied would be a great idea
there is to much hinting to a secound season in the anime i dont know about the manga cuz im still reading it
but i know those of you who think a secound season of elfen lied is a bad idea but i thinky uor just being overly cautious
they should at least look into a secound senson



No patience for fools.

Hinting at a second season? Where? In your delusioned mind, perhaps?
And the anime was finished two years ago at least. The manga doesn't go much further than the anime. A second season would be an exercise in pointlessness and filler that no anime company would probably ever do. Learn how to spell and use grammar and find another anime to whine over.

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if you cant deal with my spelling dont read it and the hinting of a secound season is all over the last episode and youd have to be blind and stupid to miss it i suggest you watch it agine smart ass



::. Back in Singapore .::

i read a little of the manga though... i guess i should side with the people who does not want a second season... i feel that the continuing story is starting to become similar to Inuyasha, less appealing.. Unless they come out with a better scenario, i prefer not having the second season... Some animes are just not cut out to have ongoing episodes, it may start out good but viewing repeatedly it gets boring..

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Junkii member no. 16

if they did make a secound season theyd half to make a new styal of killing beacuse peoples head poping off just gets bouring after awile



No patience for fools.

Oh, I can deal fine with idiocy: you're 17 in an english speaking country and the basic rules of language pass you by?
Hinting towards a second season: the last episode you say? Why, because Pr Kakuzawa's daddy laughs evilly about his plans, which, without Lucy, can't come true? Because an unknown figure presents itself at the inn door? Because the clock Nyuu/Lucy was working on suddenly starts working again? Nice try, but the end is meant for you to draw your own conclusions, if you are capable of independant thought. All the other plot threads are resolved. I suggest you watch the last episode "agine", you slack-jawed imbecile.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis, Litterature Nobel Prize winner.
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hmmm alot of you people are tought cridics on the spelling
and also on my own opinyins of elfen lied
thats so cold o_O



No patience for fools.

When you are supposed to be discussing something and you are border-line incomprehensible, yes, people will call you on it. Elfen Lied is not simply voyeuristic gore for you; like it or not, it holds deeper reflections especially on what it means to be human. Tht is why the ending does not wrap things up in a neat, bloody bow. If you want something where people kill and maim each other in not "bouring" ways, in ever different "styals", find something else to pander to you.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis, Litterature Nobel Prize winner.
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i like you your flaming isent harsh like most

merged: 08-30-2006 ~ 12:37pm
and besides
i dont come here for discution i come here for the wallpaper and scans
i have gaia for discution



No patience for fools.

Fine. Then don't make inane threads in barely intelligeable english and stick to the walls and scans.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis, Litterature Nobel Prize winner.
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Blah blah blah!!!

i would love to see a second season of elfen lied,,, it would be great



No patience for fools.

The point of this entire surreal discussion is that another season of Elfen Lied would only damage the story, because all of the main plot threads are tied up except for the one where you decide yourself what exactly you believe happens. Showing it would cheapen the whole thing and make it repetitive. I mean, what plot would there be in your "second season"? Lucy going around blowing people to pieces? How marvelously entertaining. Cretins.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis, Litterature Nobel Prize winner.
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even tho we would all love to see a second season...but i don't think it will be possible... creating a second season may ruin the anime..I think it is best that they end it and leave it as that..

I see the points on the fact the all of the major points to the plot were resolved and I too believe that the ending provided and the way that the series was made was truly great, and it was what I prefer. But, I cannot deny the fact that there is a small part of me that would like to see Lucy come back and have another story perhaps on her trying to be more human in the sense of overcoming basic insticts, which in her case would be killing humans. I think that if developed throughly it could be made into a continuation simply because of how Lucy is the difference between humans and the new dominant species, if you will. Though I will admit and agree that I throughly enjoyed the stylistic psychological beauty that was Elfen Lied and a second season could probably never be done in any way shape or form that would do justice to the original. So, for the better of myself and everyone else my small and fruitless wishes to have a longer story will have to stay in the depths of my mind.

Well Elfen Lied is one of the best anime series I ever seen and while the ending was bittersweet,it was truly fitting for this anime.Now about a second season...I feel it would do better justice as a movie instead of prolonging the story.Just imagine if a competent director with excellent actors took a chance on this project.It would be pretty sweet if you think about it.

mabey a live action movie
that would be the shit



Ju-Ni Ban Tai Taichou

a second season will be pointless and will just ruin the series.


Elfen Lied has to be one of my fav's. Anything new that will continue from this series would be great.

Quote by GlassMaidenElfen Lied has to be one of my fav's. Anything new that will continue from this series would be great.

Are you not afraid that a second season, because it would be pointless, ruin the series and make a lot of people take that serie of theirs favorites?



Soul Slayer

I'm not going to lie here (ahaha, geddit?) and say that I don't want a second series of Elfen Lied. However, deep down in my heart I know that my wish will never come true.

As discussed in the above posts the ending is supposed to be open ended so that it leaves the audience to draw their own conclusions. This is what's so great about the series's ending. In my opinion, the series set a very high standard which I doubt will ever be matched by a second series if they ever produce it... in other words, the series was a masterpiece.

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Ai no Kareshi

I'm pretty divided on the issue. I would love to see a second season of Elfen Lied, if only to have more of Nana. I do realize, though, that continuing the series would not be practical, and I don't believe anyone would ever produce a second season.

One of the reasons a second season wouldn't work is that the ending has intentionally been left open-ended. Some plotlines from the manga have been condensed and important characters have been killed off early (e.g. Kurama). Furthermore, symbols such as the music box and clock (which were added for the anime) have served their purpose. Continuing the series would require some drastic changes to the manga plot in order to bridge these gaps. Also, the finale between Kouta and Lucy in the manga (which is much more meaningful than the one in the anime) would also not be possible because of how Kouta deals with remembering his past in the anime.

I have to disagree with tobiast88 on one issue, though. There is indeed enough undisclosed plot to fill a second series. A lot happens in the manga after the hornless Nyu returns to the Kaede House. The real problem lies in the conclusion of the first series, which differs so much from the manga version that the two can no longer be reconnected.

Tobiast88 is right.

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.

well i would give anything 2 c more of elfen lied, however i truely hope that they don't make anymore 'cause i don't trust them. They will make a huge mess of it and cheapen the whole thing. Man... that would b awesome tho

oi r u guys trying 2 suggest a real action movie? as in not animated? O_o
*squeak* please say no....

and dont make fun of my spelling or ill BITE UR NOSE!

Hmmm I gues a second season of Elfen Lied is a very good idea and I wouldn't miss it if I had the chance to watch it , but I was wondering if it is 100 % certain that there is going to be a second season , if there is going to be I'll be looking forward to it ! :D

merged: 06-05-2007 ~ 01:17am
Look there is no way you can say if the second season of Elfen Lied is going to mess it all up ... There might be new charecters and besides in the first part there were thing which were like unfinished like what happened to the director after we found out that he was a diclonious ...

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