Galaxy Angel poll: Which Sakuraba sister does MT prefer?

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Which Sakuraba sister in Galaxy Angel do you prefer?

18 votes
7 votes

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The Akita on MiniTokyo

With a strong Galaxy Angel II discussion thread going over 100 posts, and the debut of the anime version about a month away, I wanted to go ahead and post this poll/debate to see which citizens of Minitokyo prefer Milfeuille Sakuraba and who prefer Apricot Sakuraba.

Go ahead and vote, and discuss. I would like to see why you chose Milfy over Rico, or vice-versa.
Let the debating begin! XD

To the brave otaku and MiniTokyo faithful, nothing is without moe.

Personally, I like Milfeulle better than Rico. Rico's cute and sweet and all, but I think Milfeulle is a batter character than Rico. <--doesn't really know how to explain this

I like them both, just Milfeulle a little bit more.



Official GA Music Otaku

Eh, it was a hard decision but I still prefer Milfeulle.

I don't think I have any strong debates aside from being attached to her from the previous GA trilogy. I like Milfeulle's baking and luck but Rico has a lot of charm. Maybe I'll figure something out as more arguments pop up.


Silent Mercenary

I like Milfeulle as she is the main attraction of GA. Her sister, I don't what kind of personality that she has. I much prefer with Milfeulle to be my date!

You Get Hand-Gestured!



Official GA Music Otaku

It's sort of an unfair fight when you think about it. There are like what? About four or some people here who have actually played the game and seen Apricot.

I know I'm going to hell for this but I like Apricot more physcially then her older sister. Good genes in the Sakuraba lineage but it also begs the question...what did their parents look like?

MiLfEuLLe SaKuRaBa.... has d looks, d luck and the curves....heheheh

merged: 09-24-2006 ~ 08:56pm
What? is there a new galaxy angel series after Galaxy ANgel X....




I like Milfeulle more, because she is more beautiful, prettier and better than Apricot. In Galaxy Angel II, she looks very beautiful in her new dress.



The Becon of Light.

I prefer Milfie, becuase I think Apricot is a weak character and is just trying to replace milfie.

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GFX Maker of Sorts

awww, poor Rico, I'm pikcing Rico, thought I like Milfie and her, well, mess-ups from time to time, I still like Rico's man phobia. ^^



random anime

some info for ya all theres a grupe for all this stuff if ya want its called galaxy-angle-base chque it out if ya wants


Too powerful...

I'm voting only for completeness.
Yeah, even though you can (just guessing) only vote one time (/just guessing), I like Milfeulle and Apricot equally... now who should I click?
Apricot: Go for the one who has fewer posts.
Milfeulle: Um, Apricot, look here...
Apricot: OMG! I'm that one with fewer votes, pick me!
(Ben One pushes the button on Apricot)
Milfy and Apricot: Yay!

Is that all you got!?

apricot is my choice, right when i saw her i thought she was a very cute character. i've never thought milfulle was cute and i think her name is ugly

mint is adorable, i want to adopt her

wow i can't believe i missed this thread. it's probably really late in voting seeing as how the post before the last one was like 14 weeks ago but what the heck. it actually is a lot harder to choose IF you really know how rico is like. the GAru~ne anime does her no justice just doesn't. once you play the GAII game you'll know what i'm talking about. she didn't really appeal to me at first but when i went through her story arc it just all clicked. plus personally i think milfie is better in GAI than GAII because she has to be more of an onee-san character in GAII which kind of conflicts with her clumsy/cute personality from GAI.



White Supernova Wolf

A tie between these angels.

MIlfeulle's ditzy character is "fixed" up by Apricot, but here comes another problem...fear of men.

Although I can't deny that Milfeulle is the best angel of Galaxy Angel series, I prefer Apricot more, and considered her as my wife. So, again it's a tie (I even didn't voted yet)

Sakuraba ???? sisters own the galaxy!

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