Favourite Magic Knight?

Tagged under Magic Knight Rayearth

Favourite Magic Knight

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Hikaru? Umi? Fuu? Out of the three magic knights, which one would be your all time favourite?

For me, my all time favourite of the magic knights is definitely Umi. I adore her personality (it makes me giggle when I see her in "chibi" form) and she is the most gorgeous-looking of the three knights. Her battle attire is extremely dashing and really stands out from all the others (especially in the final stage when she wears it while fighting on board her mashin, Selece).



swords love me

My favorite is Hikaru because of her spirit. She tries till the end and always tries to the be the best that she can be, I admire her determination.

Aspiring teen fiction author

I like Umi in addition to her beauty she grows and overcomes her problems and shows a strong character despite her weaknesses

Hikaru definitely. She is the cutest!


Retired Moderator


.:Enigma Mod:.

Writing a name down isn't very "in-depth." Please create threads that elicits more substantive posts.


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