Jump Ultimate Stars

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Hay does anyone know if Jump Ultimate Stars is ever going to be relaesed in the US

Only in the dark of your soul can you reveal the light of your heart" Stephen Penton

I would highly doubt that it will be because it would require a huge amount of licensing in order for each individual company to approve of their characters to be put into the game. The licensing here isn't the same as Japan and therein lies the problem. If the Japanese game makers get an "ok" from the other companies that produce the anime, then it's a go, but for the US, you have to fill forms and do a run about just to ask that the anime characters appear in the game. It would be cool if they would release JUS or JSS in the US, but for now, I am going to say not likely.

It does suck about that, but luckily this game doesn't really require the ability to read the text to enjoy.

Quote by nknecrosisI would highly doubt that it will be because it would require a huge amount of licensing in order for each individual company to approve of their characters to be put into the game. The licensing here isn't the same as Japan and therein lies the problem. If the Japanese game makers get an "ok" from the other companies that produce the anime, then it's a go, but for the US, you have to fill forms and do a run about just to ask that the anime characters appear in the game. It would be cool if they would release JUS or JSS in the US, but for now, I am going to say not likely.

yea, it would be great if both were released here in the states, though i haven't seen JUS in the states... at 1 bestbuy i did see a copy of JSS though, it was an import game, and those cost around $49.99 i think.

You, sir, have successfully managed to rape the entire English language with one sentence. Congratulations.

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