New season of kiddy Grade's single announced

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A new season of Kiddy Grade has been announced, and is tentatively called Kiddy Grade 2. This was announced along with the information about the new single for the season, a song by Chihara Minori ...Kiddy Grade site has been updated a bit for the new season.


You, sir, have successfully managed to rape the entire English language with one sentence. Congratulations.



I am, I.


You say I fool myself
But better me than being a fool for some one else



Launching shoujoboy 2.0

I'm hoping for the best on this one but I just tend to think it'll go sour just like its predecesor. Maybe I'm the only one that didn't like the direction it headed in the latter half of the series and quite frankly took it from fun, to the junk heap. I'm not gonna get my hopes up though.

Under construction. Who doesn't like plain text anyway?

I bought the legit boxset because of pretty colours and anime style drawings I liked. The series was a dissapointment. I'll never listen to kids doing anime reviews again. That is, the ones you find on majority of anime sites online.

I guess its good for season 2?



++_Sleeveless Vampire_ ++

Quote by phenomenon9999I bought the legit boxset because of pretty colours and anime style drawings I liked. The series was a dissapointment. I'll never listen to kids doing anime reviews again. That is, the ones you find on majority of anime sites online.

I guess its good for season 2?

Well its isnt your taste then...
Everyone is subject to their own opinion...

And the series isnt bad thou...
It has a great storyline...
But i agree the anime is poorly organized... and it needs you to see the whole anime to actually understand what is happening... Well also a little brainstorming as to why they are doing what they are doing...

:D well i cant wait to see what happens in season 2 ;)

At the end of the day, i would always turn around and say.... "Egao Saku... "
Co-Administrator of MTSingapore
<3 Me Luv U Sooo Muchi Hino-Chan!

Oh...that sure is Wonderful News indeed ! :) Let's Just hope it will not "Recycle" some Storyline plots from the previous season. It is a bumpy Anime afterall. Who knows ? "Shrugs" Everyone has their personal favorites~~!

I can't wait to see what Gonzo has to offer...wait...Gonzo ? That will mean a License in a matter of a few episodes ! Oh well...i forgot, this is a "Wait and See " situation ... XD

Thank you, Ms Toya999 for the wonderful Signature. :)



Shiroi Hane

Quote by FiremaceI can't wait to see what Gonzo has to offer...wait...Gonzo ? That will mean a License in a matter of a few episodes!

Sorry, didn't catch this earlier. The studio responsible for the sequel animation is asread, not Gonzo.
FUNimation are aware of the sequel and did express interest a couple of cons ago, but it's early days still since there's not even a Japanese airdate yet.

The first series director's cut movies are another matter - the first DVD is out this month (in Japan). The 3rd and final movie hits Theatre Shinjuku in September followed by the release of the second DVD.

some cool stuff.

you guys know theres already a pilot trailer for the new season right?



Shiroi Hane

Quote by Brinyou guys know theres already a pilot trailer for the new season right?

I should think so, yes. I have three copies personally. There's also a dozen copies floating around youtube.
Please note that this thread was started 32 weeks ago and the DVD wasn't released till the end of May.

mittai! XD

looking forward to this anime

i can't wait to watch it.

Ah, I'll have to rewatch all of the series then, since the volumes I saw were kinda scattered... but what I saw, I though was pretty good. Apart from all the panty shots... :P Not a fan of that kind of thing...

Awesome. Kiddy Grade deserves a sequel. I loved the first season. If this comes out in the U.S, I will definitely purchase it.

The first season was not that bad. The end was not what I really expected, but ok nevertheless. Does anybody know what the plot is about on this second season?



Shiroi Hane

To quote the newtype article:

Quote: Sometime after a giant intergalactic scuffle that would've destroyed the entire universe were it not for the courage of ES Force members

when'll it be out?



Seeker of Inner Peace

I'd say the first series had potential, and although I enjoyed it, I really felt it needed to be tuned up. Hopefully the second season will live up to the potential. I think the reason why many series don't live up to their potential is that they have just too many great ideas, and when it comes to integrate them all together they don't it in the best way. Don't misunderstand me, I'm really looking forward to Kiddy Grade 2!



Shiroi Hane

Quote by desertfox1943when'll it be out?

Still no news on that score.

I hope to hear more from this series =)



My gears are always turning

Yea! KD is back! And even better. Horrah!

I am the legendary Cybernetic-pony.
I will protect and serve Queen Luna.
I am a brony and proud of it!



quam sidera multa, cum tacet nox

Yeah, and the name of this new series is for now "Kiddy Girls and..." and for now only i get the first two episodes... i like to know more about eclair and lumiere... because something is so weird about the new characters... and you can see when you look this new show... XD

YEAH! I really like the opening song of the first season! download! download!

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