Whos a better magic user

Tagged under Slayers

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This is kind of cross world but in the end
for those who also play D&D Forgotten Realms

Who is the better magic user

Lina Inverse(this includes the lina inverse from the t.v. show, movies, and ova's)



Lina Inverse. Can combine different kinds of spells and magic weapons.

Elminster. He was trapped in Hell and came back to tell the tale. Also Elminster is obviously capable of casting 9th level spells, which means he has black blade of disaster, time stop, etc. I'm no slayers fan but does Lina ever stop time? What about conjuring a sword that can kill pretty much anything? I bet lina also can't turn ethereal or jump shift out of this plane of existence. Pretty much any wizard has mirror image, greater invisibility, stoneskin, and so on. Last time i checked Lina couldn't make mirror images of herself, turn invisible, and turn her skin to stone, and cast damage spells with all of that still running.

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