anyone still following the manga? last i read was chapter 523.
it's just curiosity on my part.
Why do you think Shichibukai Kuma sent them to separate islands?
he sent Luffy (who's immune to girls) to a women only island and he get this "King's Power" which i
seem to think the same as Shanks power (if you remember when he got up to white beard ships and everyone fainting).
and Nami got sent to a "weather island", maybe to study more on winds and such?
its a marvel why Sanji got sent to an okama island, but that's really funny. maybe to build his immunity towards girls.. and i hope Usopp got sent to the giants island..
what i guess the reason was to let the strawhats crew power ups, but then for what?
to fight the world government?
but aren't shichibukai on world govt side?
it's quite a mystery. tell me what you guys think..