One Piece: New power-ups? [may contain spoiler]

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anyone still following the manga? last i read was chapter 523.

it's just curiosity on my part.
Why do you think Shichibukai Kuma sent them to separate islands?

he sent Luffy (who's immune to girls) to a women only island and he get this "King's Power" which i seem to think the same as Shanks power (if you remember when he got up to white beard ships and everyone fainting).
and Nami got sent to a "weather island", maybe to study more on winds and such?

its a marvel why Sanji got sent to an okama island, but that's really funny. maybe to build his immunity towards girls.. and i hope Usopp got sent to the giants island..

what i guess the reason was to let the strawhats crew power ups, but then for what?
to fight the world government?
but aren't shichibukai on world govt side?

it's quite a mystery. tell me what you guys think..


Well shichibukai surely working for the world government, you can think of it as their job, but everyone of them could have their own personal agenda and motives. Now what is kuma's plan is still to be shown but at least that will help Luffy crew for now. But yeah I'm sure by the time the crew got together again, They will all become stronger.

Maybe Kuma got tie with Roger's pirate in the past ?

For Luffy case I doubted that he already learn how to use that power. I'm sure he use it unconsciously though.

yeah.. luffy always obtain power unconciously..

i hope they met up back before ace is executed..


it's really funny how they end up with such weird how sanji end up in an island full of ugly( isn't it? )women...haha...i wish chopper wouldn't be eaten....

they'll be together soon and they'll be a lot stronger than before...

but Luffy is so peristent..he really wants to save Ace in Impel Down..hah...Goodluck Luffy-san!

luffy still going strong on that matter.. and Ace kinda worried for the little brother..

i hope they meet up soon, but it is unlikely that the strawhat pirates will be together during this adventure of luffy at the impel down.

i'm dying to know their new powers..


you made some wrong thoughts.
Kuma's power send someone randomly in the world(i think even he doesn't know where he sent them).
The reason he saved them maybe will be revealed(maybe first to Franky).

after time skip the SHP is awesome

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