Ga-rei First Episode Only Characters: more interesting?

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Will Pelt You With Pebbles

I've only gotten to watch seven out of twelve episodes, and so far it's been pretty good. Though, I did get bored at some parts (typical)... Partly because the show only revolved around the two female protagonists and didn't give too much attention to the other characters. It's pretty sad, but with only twelve episodes I guess there isn't really enough time for good character development.

~_~ I have to admit though, I feel sorry for the first characters, the Fourth Division/Squad/Something (specifically Tooru and Natsuki) that showed up in the pilot episode. They seemed far more interesting than Kagura, Yoshi and the other members of the Ministry of Environment. I feel that they were worthy of at least an episode that focused on their background story and their asskicking prowess. Sadly, I don't think that will happen.

You have to admit, katana-weilding, uniform-wearing exorcists/slayers are getting p-r-e-t-t-y old.

"It's like... it's like... unbelievable."
- I stutter in disbelief. >.>

Well, you're right, I was hoping to see more action from the chars of the first episode, especially from Natsuki ;), BUT, I think the idea of killing all the characters in the first episode was a great idea, weird, but great, why, it was what motivate me to continue watching the series, waiting for something more of these characters, [SPOILER] in the end, nothing of course, [SPOILER] but I disagree with the perspective of Yomi and Kagura, they are interesting!, especially Yomi, yeah, the cliche of "exorcist+sword+uniform" has been overexploited lately, but the history of the "sisters" was good, especially when Yomi becomes a murder machine, in fact, was that kind of attitude what give me the itch to search for the manga and read it, and well, it's a good manga, even when the most part of it has been spoiled once you see the serie (it's a prequel after all)

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