i need suggestion what should i do with the background. the theme i want is music, or related to that. this is what i come of so far.
any input or comment are welcome. tell me if the background is too much or not fit at all.
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i need suggestion what should i do with the background. the theme i want is music, or related to that. this is what i come of so far.
any input or comment are welcome. tell me if the background is too much or not fit at all.
~Searching for a place where dreams come true~
Indonesia Doujin Support Indonesianese
It looks cute the way it is
The musical notes are on the girl's cleavage, why not put it behind in the background...
it looks like a strange tatto if you think about it...
other thanthe girl, it's all good...
thx for the advice i'll think about it. anthing else?
~Searching for a place where dreams come true~
Indonesia Doujin Support Indonesianese
I think that little brushes between the musical notes seens a little weird, but its a good wallpaper ^^
no more suggestion? ok then thx a lot guys. i will submit it in a few hour from now.
~Searching for a place where dreams come true~
Indonesia Doujin Support Indonesianese
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