Yuki should end up with Kaname or Zero? (spoilers)

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Lonely Kitty

I specially love Zero, but it's difficult to choose between the two... :sweat:

Last Work: Welcome to Golden Sea.
Pocket Wisdom? "(...) The best of us can find happiness in misery."




ぬいぐるみ !

*maintains spoilers* but I think she should end up with zero...those two were meant to be together



I love Zero, but he wont end up with Yuuki, that's ok with me, i just wish him happiness




Definitely Zero... Kaname is too stereotype but since I don't esp. care for Yuuki, I guess Zero is better off without her

i think she should end up with zero kaname is such a good guy



just a dream.

I feel like she's going to end up with Zero, they're like Romeo and Juliet lol
But I want her with Kaname =)

She doesn't deserve neither of them, they're both too good for her! >.> (I obviously doesn't like Yuki, don't kill me)

I agree with you...


Zero..... Of Course Zero!

With ZERO KIRYUU. He's the Vampire Knight! The 'gentle princess' (=Yuuki) always falls for the knight in the end. Mark my words. There's a reason why Zero got a the handmade chocolate from Yuuki, and Kaname got the bought one on Valentine's day. There's a reason why Zero was the name she said when a certain someone *spoiler* Rido *spoiler* asked Yuuki to call out the person whom she loved!

And besides all those reasons, Yuuki and Zero match perfectly. They are made for each other! It's forbidden love that's bound to happen! No matter what everyone says. I just know Zero's the ONE for her! ^_^

ZERO! It must be! You know.. Vampire Knight = Zero Kiryuu
try reading the lastest 2 chapers.. you'll know.. haha!



Tuna Stalker

Absolutely Zero! They look good together!

Humans hide behind the curtain they knitted, and stay there for ages.
I'll never be one of them.

I think zero



Golden Time Lover

I also think Zero.. =)

She should end up with Zero ... <3

zero! (:
she loved him! && he loved her backk!
zeroxyuiki ftw <3

Zero..... Of Course Zero!

She shoulld end up with Zero :). But also I think she should and up wit Kaname. Y cant 2 of dem live 2gether :(

zero because kaname is m*n* (n_n) joudan

i hope she would end up with zero too.... can't explain why thought ^.^'' but i just feel this yuuki and zero are perfect pair

Of course it will be Zero. If it will be Kaname the ending would be too predictable. Well we have handsome vampire that loves and takes care of the main heroine and pathetic, abandoned and betrayed by all a half vampire. The answer is obvious - Kaname but if so there would not be the most intrigue.

i don't know.....zero! *u*...but kaname *w*!...is dificul! xD...los dos son relindOs"! kawaii




Wow a lot of Zero fans here^^ well i think she should end up with Kaname probably cause i like him more(not saying that i dont like Zero^^)..she loves both of them so i think it would be better if she grabbed both hahaha xD but since i started to read this i always get a feeling that one of the three will die at the end ( if that happens lets hope that it is Yuuki xD)so i never thought that much about who Yuuki will choose!

I agree, so many Zero fans!
I personally wish that she be with Kaname.
Don't get me wrong now, I do like Zero, and I think that they're cute together. There seems to be a longing for each other in their actions and words. However, I just think that Yuki and Kaname have this unbreakable bond, and that they were meant to be together/in love.

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