I do not see the exact same scan in the gallery

Tagged under The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi

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Hello there admins and moderators. First of all, I'm quite a new person in this community. And second, I'd like to get some opinion or advices.

My scan that titled "Join us and get soaked!" was a wordless scan of the scan "splash". When I take a look at the scan, I was a bit surprised why was the moderator deleted my scan while it's a wordless version of the existed one.
I've seen tons of scans with words and wordless.

So, I think my scan have it's appropriate place in the gallery. If I'm wrong, link me the exact same scan that I uploaded before.

Thanks in advance.


"My biggest fear isn't that one day I wouldn't remember this. It's knowing, that one day, you won't be there to remind me."
"I'm waiting for you" from Yuki


Retired Moderator


Mado&Fen are my Gods.

I'm gonna close this thread since member PMd me for an explanation.
Case closed.

!Death to J-Rock scans! >.<
What is Kayurachan doing? Just see it on my userpage :3
Sheq says: XD one sec, eating an egg XP

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