Who is your favorite character in One Piece?

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Who is your favorite character on One Piece?
Me? I Love Nico Robin.......
Because she's so cool.........
What about you? who is your favorite?


my fav would be nico cuz she is cool and graceful..
2ndly would be zoro cuz i admire his determination and he is really funny especially his no sense of direction



ぬいぐるみ !

possible spoilers:

I am limited to what I have seen of one piece, I like this anime but I can't find many episodes, and time frames but I would have to say I really like zoro, three sword wielder, cute as cute can be and can kick some serious behind when need be, also be serious, adorable and innocent, also a good trait. I have liked zoro since the very first episode. and I also like the cook sanji, the dubbed have him with a lollipop often in his mouth so cute and his upmost respect for women, regardless of appearance, is also adorable and likable in a character.



Luffy ,because he is cool

The rubber band man


My Anime World

monkey D. Luffy

?? ???????? - ?? ????...

my favorite character is eagle eye ,he is a cool ~

Luffy hes reallly cool.

zoro is the best



how art you today?

The Hottie Nami or The Mysterious Nico Robin :9

artistique is unique

Nico Robin

Usop 4ever! XD

Monkey D. Luffy................

Zoro, Zoro, Zoro

Luffy is love!
Usopp is love!
Koby is love **

I like Zoroo <3 <3
Chopper very cute also. xD



Secret Crest

Sir Crocodile is my favourite character. However I also like Take No Me, Nico Robin and Shanks.

Well, all main charactars are cool, - Mugiwara crew and Shanks; but maybe my fav. is Zoro, then comes Luffy and from the girls - Nami and Robin . I can`t tell ;

Definitely Nico Robin ,Boa Hancock and Bon Kurei chan x3

Luffy xD hes so an idiot but when his friends are in danger hes sooooo cool <3

Luffy~ He has a simple charm despite his idiocy on occasion. He feels pretty distinct in comparison to the other 2 mainstream main characters (in my opinion).

That is difficult... o_o

I got it! Luffy!
NO, Zolo!
Nami is great too!
Oh wait, I can't forget about Sanji! <3

merged: 11-15-2010 ~ 05:32am
Oh... I actually forgot Shanks. xD

Nami forever! :-)

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