Hello, everyone!
I'm about to submit my first wallpaper (I mean the first one that won't make your eyeballs bleed). Here it is
(just click to see the full view) :
I have two "questions" before submitting it, though :
1- Is it good? Are there too many effects, is it "low-effort", or something ?
2- Is there something missing? I don't know why, but I have the feeling that I should add something, but I
can't say what it should be.
I would be very grateful to you if you can help me; if you have any other comment/criticism, feel free to do so! I want to learn and improve myself.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT : Here are the pictures I used
Original scan : Here (I posted the vector not
too long ago)
Waves vectored from this scan
Paper texture : Here, found
on [url=www.lostandtaken.com]"Lost And Taken"[/url]