Why the wallpaper "Vongola Boss X" was removed?

Tagged under Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

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Why my wallpaper was removed?
was made by me and not fall into any of the reasons why it can be removed, over the wallpapers it like to the few people who saw it.
please return my wallpaper to the website.


Retired Moderator


It's Never Lupus!

Quote: What do you need to do:
-Open a thread with the submission's name, including the type of your submission (i.e: Scan / "name of your submission here")
-Include the submission's link.
-Post a copy of the deletion PM

It may take some time before you get an answer, so be patient :3 And always be polite.
Take note that if you don't follow the guidelines it will take even more time. So please, follow the guidelines

sheq's neenja mod

Quote by Bernouli

Quote: What do you need to do:
-Open a thread with the submission's name, including the type of your submission (i.e: Scan / "name of your submission here")
-Include the submission's link.
-Post a copy of the deletion PM

It may take some time before you get an answer, so be patient :3 And always be polite.
Take note that if you don't follow the guidelines it will take even more time. So please, follow the guidelines

Sorry, buy i'm not good in this...
how i open a thread?


Retired Moderator


It's Never Lupus!

You've already done the first one you just need to do the next two. =P

sheq's neenja mod


Retired Moderator


Margarita Time!

Rozen, if I may suggest, I'd recommend editing your initial post to better reflect the proper changes necessary. That way, we can help you out to our fullest!

Signature Image

you mean I have to post again the wallpaper?
as I do?
sorry for the inconvenience = $


Retired Moderator


Margarita Time!

It's ok, Rozen.

What we mean is edit this thread that you created in the proper manner. If you'll look at Bernouli's post, the format we would like people to post in this section of the forum is

What do you need to do:
-Open a thread with the submission's name, including the type of your submission (i.e: Scan / "name of your submission here")
-Include the submission's link.
-Post a copy of the deletion PM

This means we need the private message you received when the item was deleted and the link to the item. Due to the amount of items we handle daily here, we cannot keep track of every item deleted and it's why we request for people to follow this format in order to be helped quickly.

What we want you to do is edit the post in this thread to better reflect the policy for this section, which is including the link to the gallery item and the private message you got when the item was deleted.

Thank you : )

Signature Image

Ok, so I think this is what is mentioned...
Thank's for all ^_^

Quote by RozenLVongola,

The wallpaper you have submitted (Vongola Boss X "Sawada Tsunayoshi") was removed for one or more of the following reasons:

- It was too simplistic.
- The subject was too blurry or over-filtered.
- It used screenshots or unmodified stock photos.
- It was a low-effort wallpaper.
- It was an alternate version of an existing wallpaper. Please only upload one version of a wallpaper. If you wish to display alternate versions, you may post an offsite link.
- It did not feature an anime-style image.

Minitokyo only accepts wallpapers that meet certain standards of quality. For help with making wallpapers, refer to the Art & Design Lounge and/or Sandbox.


Minitokyo Staff

This is an automated message and cannot be replied.

Inquiries can be made in the Deletion Complaints forum.


Retired Moderator



The stock image you used was in rough shape.
However, the scan was in worse condition. It was pixelated, grainy, extraction is very bad.
I suggest trying to work with vectors first or work on extracted higher quality scans. And remember you
can always use The Sandbox - http://forum.minitokyo.net/25/new for feedback/suggestions before submitting to make
sure it's ready for the gallery.

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