your thoughts on stereo typing

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Lu-Lu the friendship officer

ive been knotising alot of stereo typing around (not here on minitokyo) and well im wondering on what are some stereo types you have herd about and who and what were they aimed at (no names of people please) and what you think of them and do you use them too

im gilty of using them about amaricans being violent but ive met many that arent

^-^ feel free to leave a comment

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Goddess of the Sea

I think almost everybody does it at one time or another... It's kind of hard not to do it automatically sometimes, but I think it's not a very good thing as obviously not all people of a certain type are exactly the same ^^;

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Hunter of snark bait.

It's easy to use stereotypes in the internetz :P. Stereotypes themselves are very unreliable since they lump the people you use it on together, so I don't bother using it intentionally.

The ones I've heard is that all illegals from Mexico are wetbacks and tomato pickers. Everyone in the South has a southern accent(most of us don't have accents at all, not counting new arrivals from different locations).

I guess I have an advantage over most people. At least I know I'm not getting a happy ending.Signature Image



Goddess of the Sea

Well, the good thing about the internet is that it's allowed me to meet lots of people from different areas around the world, and that shatters the stereotypical thoughts when you get to know them as people and realize they aren't all the same :3

Signature Image "I know I'm not strong, but I'm cute!"- Italy, Hetalia: Axis Powers


Retired Moderator


Margarita Time!

Stereotyping is, in my opinion, impossible to avoid. At some point or another, be it consciously or subconsciously, you are going to stereotype an individual.

What I do believe, however, is that you can still work hard to try your best to not.

Wow, I was expecting this post to be longer.

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Goddess of the Sea

Me too, CB... I am disappoint. ._.

But I agree with you there, it is something we tend to do whether we mean to or not D:

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Anime Lover

There is no human that does not fall for this common mistake. But the problem is not if we fall for stereotypes, the problem is if we do not do something to change that once we have been able to see the real thing. We will always have the problems of stereotypes, because as humans we will always feel insecure, but we must learn to change, to mature and to understand that we must not allow ourselves to be lead by our fears, misconceptions, ignorance, prejudice, pride, etc.

We can mistake, but we can learn from that to forgive, to restore, to understand, to respect.

Can sin be forgiven? Cloud Strife



ぬいぐるみ !

I am stereotyped a lot, but I rarely stereotype other people. I guess the seeing of people's souls have cleared up a lot of that, even over the net. I only care about respect, the rest of the stuff seems pointless to me. everyone around me uses a stereotype daily, about color of their skin, their actions, manners and so forth, I just don't see the point to all of it. in this day and time, we should have been more evolved than to deal with such an action and be this way, each person is an individual to me, not a whole. although having multiple personalities could, more than likely, settle this about people as well.




Retired Moderator, Linguistics


Calgon, take me away~!

I'll post this: Everyone's A Little Bit Racist
and then comment. XD

As far as stereotyping... lol. There's a lot of that in tags here.. and in the Science and Religion section of the forum. ^_~ As for personally, I'm quite self-deprecating towards Asians (especially when I'm driving).

I think it's one thing to be aware of stereotypes and use them humorously, and another thing to use stereotypes and make serious judgements about others. For instance, a lot of people (especially on Yahoo messageboards >.<) think that all Californians are crazy liberals. So any time someone says something like "Homosexuals are people too." or say something positive about Obama, those people jump on them and automatically assume "You must be one of those crazy leftist hacks." Is this always true? Obviously not.

(Basically I agree with Cy, but posted it in a more roundabout way. Cy, your post should be longer. I demand a longer post! XD)

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Goddess of the Sea

I think CB basically repeated what my first post said :o

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I Walk Alone...

I do not condone the use of stereotypes and with that said.
It is a Human condition that can not be helped...the brain is always trying to place Order amidst the Chaos that is life. The mind wants a "short cut" to access and group information for later use that is faster and more efficient. Grouping and labeling people is just a lazy way to categorize this information. It takes little effort and the stereotypes have already been set up for us to fall into the trap of just "Toss or Lump" them into this or that category. All we can do is strive to overcome the Easy Path and Place the Individual in a more relevant position.

Content of Character not Categorization...This is the key.

Knowledge and Time are the Keys to Wisdom.Signature Image

Stereotypes are based on something about the group of people, usually factual. Like Blizzard said, you cannot avoid people stereotyping you, but you should do your part on avoiding it.

You best be fearin' the ears baby.

Yes, stereotyping is something we should avoid. My own ma' say I talk proper and "White," and I'm Black. Lol. There is no color to intelligence. I talk like "me." That's what I told her.

And the same old stereotypes I know are: White ppl can't dance, Black people don't go hiking and camping, illegal immigrants are all Mexicans, Asians are bad drivers, easier to control [women], and more smarter than other races, and that Atlanta, GA is a "all-gay city." I disagree with them and find them intolerant. Lol.

Marked by the outsider.Signature Image



Lu-Lu the friendship officer

theres some good examples of stereo typing there are even ones for those who have different hair color, two different eye colors im sour who knows its just a very meen practis

theres cases ware people justify stereo typing and raceisem with religen i think its just terrible

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i find all stereotypes really funny...even though i know that they arent real nd mean XD




is really need more holidays

Stereo typing.... I think that's not good, especially if you make it stereo typing in bad way, like that people is bad, that people isn't good at saving money, etc, etc.

But, yeah, human normally cannot avoid that, no matter how hard you try, especially if it's already in your mindset, to think about a spesific people that they are usually doing something/not good people.




I know a lot of stereotypes. People from the south are posh twats, people from the north are labour voting coal miners, people from Yorkshire and surprisingly stuck up and mean with the purse strings and people from Liverpool are thugs who will stab you for a fiver. Oh yeah and people from Wales have relations with sheep. Despite meeting people from all over the place at University, not many stereotypes have been dispelled.



living of experiences

i could post my thoughts regarding stereotype, nevertheless everyone has said preety much what i would say xD


Power is useless when you love no one, because you haven't got anyone to protect


Retired Moderator



Smack a Loli with a mallet.
There's a nice 1842 stereotype for you.

[20:54] Lexicon: I may be 3rd place in the popularity poll but at NASA, the # order is 3>2>1.
[20:56] DXBlair: its a placement poll..not a countdown idiot
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