Site Options bug

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Retired Moderator



I don't know if anyone else has encountered this by now (or posted a similar thread in which case I apologize for making double ones) but when ever I try changing options in Site Options, I have to careful how and what I check/click because for some reason, after I click 'Update', most things go back to default.

For example - I wanted to check all three filters (ecchi, J/K-pop and members only) and the Full Display was on. I clicked 'Update' and then I noticed that I couldn't see avatars or signatures on wallpaper and scan pages anymore. I went back to Site Options, clicked on the Default Skin and Full Display and had to click again on those filters only to have nothing change at all. After a few various tries, I finally gave up with Full Display and only members and J/K-pop filter enabled.

I was wondering why Site Options don't save things and keep them that way; instead they always revert back to default settings. Is this some kind of bug or will I just have to check stuff over and over again every time I want to change something? Thanks in advance. :)





brace yourselves

Oh I see it! Happens to me too when I select the Ecchi filter and click Update (I already had the full-post, j/k-pop and members-only on).

This really is a bug, bc when that happens and I go and fill in / select everything again it doesn't seem to register.

Simple temporary fix -> fill everything in however you want it, click Update, it'll say that's it's set back to the default/minimum values (ignore). Then delete your history/cache etc.
And when you log back in it'll be set to the way you wanted it.
I hope.

If that fails try without the ecchi filter, it think that's the main cause :/


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ぬいぐるみ !

I've encountered this for a few days now and haven't bothered to mess with that area since, I mentioned it in the ecchi tag filter thread that doodle had done a short while back. but eve is correct, just clear your temp/cache, log out and then back in and the settings which you have done will appear as well as any changes. but it is a nuisance all the same :/ just my luck it might actually get stuck like that when I do go to edit it again, if I ever think about doing so. for those that do edit, I hope that this post is helpful until the situation is looked into further :)




Retired Moderator



Lol, okay, I'll try that. Thanks! :)





Sorry for the delay, this should be fixed :)


Retired Moderator



Thanks, Sheq! XD




"Fate, up against your will."

Wow, thank you! I've been having this issue for a while; so I'm practically rejoicing now.

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