I can't upload my vector :(

Tagged under Omamori Himari

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Rb Xr

This is the original version of my vector :( Image <---- View full-size (Click) -----//----- (Resolution 4082 x 5916)

http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr262/roby10_01/Projects/th_OmamoriHimari2.gif <---- View full-size (Click)

My second vector, yes! xD

Here another resolution more big :P ! Image resolution 17008 x 24647

Program: Adobe Illustrator CS5

“Sin importar el tamaño de la ciudad o pueblo en donde nacen los hombres o mujeres, ellos son finalmente del tamaño de su obra, del tamaño de su voluntad de engrandecer y enriquecer a sus hermanos”



Lu-Lu the friendship officer

the reason why you cannot upload it is because the size of your vector is too large minitokyo has a max limit of 1000000 pixles your vector is a total of 24149112 pixles try making it smaller

i ran into the same issue with my cute little rika vector

i hope this helps

other then that issue its very well done ^-^

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Retired Moderator, Tagger, Linguistics


better than your faves tbh

What Luchia said, just size it down and it will be accepted

Signature ImageLatest submission: Trouble Makers
Lol omg, click on quote in guestbook instead of spamming your own stuff, SMH



Rb Xr

oh ok, thanks for the info :D

Rob X3r0 ^^

“Sin importar el tamaño de la ciudad o pueblo en donde nacen los hombres o mujeres, ellos son finalmente del tamaño de su obra, del tamaño de su voluntad de engrandecer y enriquecer a sus hermanos”



Lu-Lu the friendship officer

your most welcome im happy to help ^-^

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