I think there has been a mistake with the deletion of my wallpaper. While I'm still trying to figure out how this site works, I might have uploaded an alternate version of my wallpaper as a completely separate one. I believe this to be the cause of my wallpaper deletion. I would like some help on figuring out what to do now as seeing as my wallpaper isn't bad quality or ripped off.
merged: 05-28-2012 ~ 11:59pm
Quote by NixxiThe wallpaper you have submitted (A Colorful Emerging) was removed for one or more of the following reasons:
- It was too simplistic.
- The subject was too blurry or over-filtered.
- It used screenshots or unmodified stock photos.
- It was a low-effort wallpaper.
- It was an alternate version of an existing wallpaper. Please only upload one version of a wallpaper. If you wish to display alternate versions, you may post an offsite link.
- It did not feature an anime-style image.Minitokyo only accepts wallpapers that meet certain standards of quality. For help with making wallpapers, refer to the Art & Design Lounge and/or Sandbox.