I Vectored this in PS and I made it into a wallpaper.
Let me know what you think.
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I Vectored this in PS and I made it into a wallpaper.
Let me know what you think.
The vector looks good but you might want to link to the resources you used, as well. That yin and yang symbol in the background looks too low in quality (jagged, grainy and pixelated in places) so I'd suggest you use something else. The background is also perhaps a bit too simple and would require more effort on it. And last, I'm not sure about the resolution of the wallpaper, it looks really weird...
Agree with alenas, you should think about doing something else for BG, cause the vector is really really nice and it would go to waste with just sitting on the dark.. It could be inside of a dojo or some other building (don't know the char co I can't really tell where she could sit). Well, think about it, good luck!
"Ah, dear God, if you really do exist
Watch over this child who will not give up"
Okay, I took what you said about using a dojo and I tried it.
And mine, http://missrin00.deviantart.com/art/Juri-Han-2-309391844
I used this dojo wallpaper, http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&global=1&q=dojo#/d3ga2hl
And this image for the Juri http://www.zerochan.net/1152244
Uhh....I believe you'll have to start from the beginning because there are several issues with this work of yours:
- the vector of the character is way too stretched to fit the wallpaper and it lost a lot of its quality - never stretch/size up characters/images to fit a desired resolution because it only ruins everything. There are also some extraction issues on her foot (near her toe)
- The image you used as background (the dojo) was made by another artist on dA - we don't allow images from dA to be used since it's considered ripping. The character is also too big and out of proportion compared to the background
- The image of Juri Han you linked on Zerochan was deleted for some reason and I can't see it so I can't be too sure about the source of it. Note that Zerochan is not exactly the most reliable image source since it houses images from all over the net (such as dA and Pixiv - sites we don't allow artworks from) so I'd say to pick a more official image and start from the beginning
That image was not from Zerochan it came from http://danbooru.donmai.us/ And yeah...
merged: 06-19-2012 ~ 11:39pm
What about this, ? http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab136/yoko020/heart-2304x864.jpg
I used this as the background http://jootix.com/Heart+Island+By+Lazy+Samuraishinobi+D45rvag_13365.html
And this as the girl http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab136/yoko020/1014359.jpg
Lol, again you used a wallpaper made by someone else and that's also considered ripping. There was a similar problem with it today - we allow the usage of stock photos since they can still be subjected to further manipulation but using a refined, stylized and finished wallpaper as background is not allowed (and your background comes from Jootix wallpapers).
Also, check our Policy to see which wallpaper resolutions are acceptable since yours look a bit odd. You also need to pay more attention to the overall quality and composition when it comes to wallpapers - slapping a character onto any kind of background is not enough. I'd also suggest you read this and this first to get a better grasp on how to make good quality wallpapers. Keep it up!
Just for the reference: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=27677780
Latest submission: Trouble
Lol omg, click on quote in guestbook instead of spamming your own stuff, SMH
It looks good, but like Alenas said you using a wallpaper done by someone else. I'd suggest making a wallpaper in Photoshop and using some custom brushes and different object and shapes, ...; to make a nice background.
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