Maybe the content would be too strong

Tagged under Agent Aika

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Kampfer Hario

I know there are Anime scans on MT that are strong in Ecchi content, but I don't know if Member Art works the same way.
Is this content too strong to post?

I appreciate any feedback, thank you.



ぬいぐるみ !

to be honest I've seen just as strong and it's been here, as long as it's in the guidelines then it tends to stay. you might want to wait for more responses and/or higher colors to come about and share that sort of thing, but to be honest it looks alright to me to be posted under the ecchi tag, because they aren't really showing anything and they are all the proper age and following even more of the guidelines. but be patient until then though, hate for you to upload it and then get into trouble for it :)





-=Call me CG=-

In my opinion it should be fine if you're able to add the ecchi tag. But as Angel-chan said "you might want to wait for more responses and/or higher colors to come about and share that sort of thing"

I'm moving to Ireland so I won't be online much.
I'll try reply to your message when I can.

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Retired Moderator, Linguistics


Calgon, take me away~!

The only part of it that might be a bit iffy is the frontmost crotch where you can see a bit more of her ladypart region due to the spread-eagle... If you were to extend the panties a bit more it'd be fine.

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Kampfer Hario

Oh, I see. Thank you

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