High School DxD New [anime - official MT thread & spoilers]

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Astraea Kisaragi

Title: High School DxD New
Author: Ichiei Ishibumi
Studio: TNK
Expected number of episodes: 12

So we got finally the second season with our sexy demon girls and this time it seems quite strong in the storyline - "ah sure, you guys totally watch it for the plotline"would many of the conservative anime fans say so. Well, let's ignore them, nobody is forcing nobody to watch it anyways.
What I feel kinda out of place was the title selection for the new season. I think a mere "new" is not really suitable for it, as long this anime is pretty much influenced with occult, there could be plenty of better choices. Also, what maybe is just my personal opinion, that after the first season with it's easy pace, this second goes too fast and often reveals a huge ammount of information at once.

Thread etiquette
1. This thread should be primarily about the story & art, with episode discussion
2. The discussion should be focused on the anime, easygoing manga refrences are accepted though
3. No one-liners. If you like this anime, X or Y character, okay, but tell your reasons why
4. Spoilers allowed, if you don't like that, either watch it regularly or don't read this topic

Since I write satires, my whole life is one huge inspiration. (Horatius)


Retired Moderator



Since aki is watching it, I'd say it's not for the plotline.

The second seasons only shows how different it really is from the written work. Swimsuit episode at the pool was 1 example if people read the light novel since there is an absurd number of differences - although I know they usually differentiate minor details, some of the details so far have almost made the same anime close to entirely different.

Pace seems to feel wrong considering they cut the episodes at bad times and drag certain scenes for too long, where each episode seems to be less fruitful to credit the already extremely far-ahead storyline. Usually I would prefer if they progressed 2/5 of the main storyline the first few episodes since it is already at episode 8. Mainly because not many people have privilege to read the light novels or the manga, they miss out on a lot more when all they have is the anime and despite being full of tits - the storyline is good nonetheless, since anime like this rarely are able to strike balances in content.

My only question for now is if they will progress into Koneko's history by the time it ends.. and in the way it is supposed to be progressed into.
Too early to tell considering how everything is randomly flying into the processing machine.

[20:54] Lexicon: I may be 3rd place in the popularity poll but at NASA, the # order is 3>2>1.
[20:56] DXBlair: its a placement poll..not a countdown idiot
[SIG design by Valuna]

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