Things that DO go together! 2

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Retired Moderator


As previous thread was full here's new thread with same title and same idea!
Rules are simple just name the things that Do go together well!
Feel free to ask any question regarding the thread!

Let's start!

Schools and Studies!

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Monu and A+ \(^0^)/


Retired Moderator


^ what? XD lol

Kami-sama and Blessings!

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Monu and hard work :)


Retired Moderator


Monu and Laziness XD

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Monu and Modesty :)



The Wandering Moonchild.

^ Dearest sister Myri and diamond jewelries. The grandest jewels for her royal highness. ^^

" A mind full of bitter memories , a past drenched in sadness and watered with my tears,
A heart nurtured by the littlest spark of hope, a present fed by the wildest dreams,
A body scarred by the savage adversities, a future that holds the greatest uncertainties,
These are the deepest parts of my blue soul, armored and shielded by an indestructible fortress. " Signature

^ My dear Blue bro and flowery poetry (^///^)



The Wandering Moonchild.

^ Dearest sister Myri and Ikki. ♡♡♡♡♡

" A mind full of bitter memories , a past drenched in sadness and watered with my tears,
A heart nurtured by the littlest spark of hope, a present fed by the wildest dreams,
A body scarred by the savage adversities, a future that holds the greatest uncertainties,
These are the deepest parts of my blue soul, armored and shielded by an indestructible fortress. " Signature


Retired Moderator


Aniki and Harem of Madoka, Makoto and Nanami <3

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Me and Madoka ayukawa ^^


Retired Moderator


Summer and Ice cream!

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Winter and snow


Retired Moderator


Winter and woolen clothes

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Winter and Christmas :)


Retired Moderator


Christmas and first love confessions <3

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Dante and Beatrice


Retired Moderator


Tom and Jerrry!

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Cow and Chicken


Retired Moderator


Maiko Fujita's voice and Romantic song!

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Nobuo Yamada's voice and epicness!



ぬいぐるみ !

tree branch and squirrel

until they break it and then it's just funny !




Retired Moderator


Monkeys and Banana XD

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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Monkey and honeydew ^^

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