Cross Ange vs Gundam SEED/Destiny (spoilers/ecchi)

Tagged under Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny

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likes rainbows :D

So, when I started watching Cross Ange, as soon as I saw the animation of the main mech flying around, and the opening, it immediately gave me Gundam SEED/Destiny vibes. So I took a closer look at the opening sequence, and I'm going to compare scenes to SEED/Destiny ones to show you what I mean.

The left-most screencap in the row are from Cross Ange, subsequent ones are from GS/D.

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- I can't unsee Villkiss as the Freedom due to its colouring and the way it flies. But I couldn't actually find any good images of the Freedom flying in any GS/D openings. And this pose of the Destiny is actually pretty similar
- The title in front, with the main mech in the back.
- Naked couple in front of mech time! That's like, signature of GS/D openings. Every opening had at least one.

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- This thing takes off pretty much the same way the Core Booster in Destiny does.

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- The take-off sequence is very much Seed/Destiny style, with showing the launch board and "Abort"s flipping to "Clear"s. Seed's board is pretty simple, and Cross Ange's is more complex, like Destiny's.
- I think the way mechs fly in general are just animated very similarly to Seed/Destiny

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Fukuda, the director of GS/D directed this opening, and it shows.

And the similarities between the two worlds don't just end there. Because while the enemies they're fighting look like just dragons, they're actually DRAGONs
A lot of things in SEED/Destiny are acroynyms, like ZAFT, GUNDAM, PLANT, OMNI, SEED etc etc. I wonder what else in Cross Ange are acroynyms too. Maybe "CROSS"?



*Karin-Koenig <3

omg~! it DOES Resemble GSD A Lot! it's like Copy + Past!~! i still haven't seen this anime i only saw GSD But from the design i think i will check it out..
but really it does resemble GSD ...Maybe it's the same producer right?

"Ducunt Volentem Fata Nolentem Trahunt = Fate leads the willing soul, but drags along the unwilling one"



.:Trust In You:.

I am watching it and somehow it reminds me a bit GS series, old time !


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