So, when I started watching Cross Ange, as soon as I saw the animation of the main mech flying around, and the opening, it immediately gave me Gundam SEED/Destiny vibes. So I took a closer look at the opening sequence, and I'm going to compare scenes to SEED/Destiny ones to show you what I mean.
The left-most screencap in the row are from Cross Ange, subsequent ones are from GS/D.
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Fukuda, the director of GS/D directed this opening, and it shows.
And the similarities between the two worlds don't just end there. Because while the enemies they're fighting
look like just dragons, they're actually DRAGONs
A lot of things in SEED/Destiny are acroynyms, like ZAFT, GUNDAM, PLANT, OMNI, SEED etc etc. I wonder what else in Cross
Ange are acroynyms too. Maybe "CROSS"?