What Consoles Do You Play On?

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Sir Lulu

A few friends and I have been discussing it lately about the different consoles and what everyone plays on and so I figure to ask everyone. I'm currently playing on the Wii U and Xbox 360, but looking into getting the other consoles out there as well. What about everyone else?

Instead of a sign that says "Do Not Disturb" I need one that says "Already Disturbed Proceed With Caution"



Kampfer Hario

I'm still playing PS2.

Well personally i have PS X, 2 ,3 ,Game Cube, Snes and Gameboy Advance

I'm currently playing on PS2 PS3 and SNES



Sore o dākunesu. Enbureisu.

only thing i really play on is my Vita.

People fall into darkness because they have lost sight of the true nature of the light within them. Unable to find that light they flounder desperately while suffering in agony, only to give birth to tragedy. And there is no greater cause of tragedy, no greater source of darkness, than warfare.



I Walk Alone...

PS3, PS2, PS, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System, NES, Atari 2600, Paddle with Ball attached by rubber band.
(I love to play with my Joy Stick) =^.~=

Knowledge and Time are the Keys to Wisdom.Signature Image


Retired Moderator


But it is not this day!

I got PS2, Wii, NDSi, and got a few games on my mac :3

Signature Image
This day we fight!



ぬいぐるみ !

I miss my ps2, my possibly one regret of trading all that in.

these days I play on a ps3 here and there, but I own a ds first generation, ds 3d and of course the laptop. I owned an xbox but couldn't stand the graphics when it did the flashy lights. played on a wii a few times and haven't played on a ps4 yet, but that's bound to happen eventually.

and yes, I have played on just about every console out there, thanks to an antique gamer store in my area :)





Meiyo Hades

PS3 & PS4.xD

"Each our of lives individually small,
we're all part of the universe. If we understand this,feel it burn within us,life can shine. Anyone's"

-Pope Sage Saint Seiya Lost Canvas-



*Karin-Koenig <3

X-Box 360\ps2\ps1
I Have a broken wii but i'm willing to repair it

"Ducunt Volentem Fata Nolentem Trahunt = Fate leads the willing soul, but drags along the unwilling one"




Ps2,xbox 360 and xbox one :)

"It's my duty as a guardian to protect Cross Academy, day and night."
-Yuki KuranSignature Image

I play the Xbox 360 still and intend to until games will no longer be platformed for it. I did that with the PS2, I do still own it but I don't play it anymore



Sir Lulu

I have in total a Wii U, Xbox 360, Sega Genesis, PS1, GameCube, SNES, N64, NES, Gameboy, and Gameboy Advance, but since I can get most of the games I'd played on the NES, SNES, Gameboy, and Gameboy Advance via the Virtual Console I don't use any of those. PS1 I have a ton of games for and will have to get a new PS2 and play them on it along with the PS2 games I got. Gamecube I can always hook up if I want to play those. Can play Wii games on the Wii U, but so not a fan of the Wii controllers and I am glad the Wii U go back to the way controllers was to begin with. As far as the Sega Genesis goes well I mostly just played Sonic games on it and I can buy those in a collection for the 360 if I'm right.

I'm going to find a 3DS XL as my next console purchase and a Vita after that and then go PS3 then PS4 and Xbox One.

@Fit well Rukia my suggestion is instead of repairing your Wii go and get a Wii U since then you can play the new games and still play your Wii games.

Instead of a sign that says "Do Not Disturb" I need one that says "Already Disturbed Proceed With Caution"



~Junkmetra Bae O3o~

Ps3 and sometimes I play my n64 when I want to play a classic

"You who swallowed a falling star, o' heartless man, your heart shall soon be mine."

PS3 and hopefully in the future i will be playing a PS4 or Xbox One


I played on PS3 but i change on PS4 and now i must wait for some nice games ( like Uncharted 4 ) .

Im in got a PS2 and PS3 but mainly play PS3 cause the PS2 is at my sisters place right now

I had ps2, ps3 and now i own ps4:)

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