Problem with recent scans

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Hi. I've submitted three scans from Mega Man Star Force Complete Works:

1: Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus

2: Mega Man Star Force: Leo

3: Mega Man Star Force: Dragon

When I logged out and clicked on the link, the following message appeared:

"The specified gallery item has either been deleted, doesn't exist, or is pending moderator approval."

But when I log in back, everything's normal.


Retired Moderator


Hello there!
That message come because each and every gallery item is being viewed by moderators and flagged as "accepted" after being sure that it matches MT quality standards and rules. Until the image isn't viewed and passed by moderators, non-members can not see it.
I hope that helps. ^^

Anyway, what does mad mean exactly? Aren't we all a little mad?
Don't we have to be somewhat mad just to go on living, to go on hoping?
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