Is this a bug?

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I've been browsing through wallpapers for a while and just the other day this message popped up, right after your website's update:

"Page number too high - please filter results"

This has never happened before, no matter how deep into the "All Qualities" part of the site I went.

Carros are the cutest!



ぬいぐるみ !

it's not a bug as far as I know, it's done that for years now (at least two), so it's probably a new database edition so not to break the site. I believe the cut off number is 200 for anything these days. so, if you want to search for something you'll have to try to narrow down your search/es better/more.



*sigh* Dang it. I don't have any wallpapers I'm looking for in particular, which is why this sucks. :(
Thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind.

Carros are the cutest!



ぬいぐるみ !

I found this out a it ago the same way that you did, glad I was able to shed some light on the situation for you and others who ponder the same thing. too bad this was put into place, this only hurts the artists who have provided older art is all.



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