Passwords Allow Invalid Characters

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Just thought I'd let y'all know that passwords can be set that contain a backslash (\) character, but it isn't possible to log in with such a password. Furthermore, you can't change a password through the password page with such a password since you need to enter the old password which will always be rejected.

Thankfully, recovery is easy enough by using the "lost password" page, but this is pretty bad UI. Also bad UI: passwords are limited to 32 characters, but nothing in the UI says that until you've submitted a password longer than that.



I Walk Alone...

Well Well Well the cat is now out of the bag thanks to this post and now I foresee the huge possibility of members getting their accounts hijacked. It would seem that this site has absolutely no safety or verification protocols for its members' accounts. I find this rather disconcerting. I hope that this being brought to the attention of members and staff will lead to some sort of review and hardening of the safety and verification protocols on this site. The fact that this information is now out for all to see is like leaving the barn door open with a neon sign saying "Come on in and hijack whatever account you like!" This is unbelievable...well now that I think about it, really it's not.

Knowledge and Time are the Keys to Wisdom.Signature Image



ぬいぐるみ !

I thought, some time back, that the request password was broken and people couldn't get their passwords they had to taunt staff (people in blue) to get this issue resolved. however, with the backspace key error then I suppose this should be addressed by staff so we can clear the air and possibly adjust/fix this error that might have come about. the server is far outdated from searching tags to now this issue. thanks for bringing it to our attention, not certain if it'll be addressed since the creator is absent most of the time and doesn't care that much about this site anymore.



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