As some of you may know, Minitokyo is preparing for a new design, which comes with some major policy changes, the first of which will roll out now.
Minitokyo will make a trial run to allow more content that is not anime. From now on, the following content is allowable
as wallpapers and scans:
-western games like Overwatch, League of Legends, Assassin's Creed, etc.
-western TV Shows and movies, such as Game of Thrones, Marvel Comics, Disney and Pixar movies, etc.
-JPOP and KPOP is already allowable, it will be expanded to also include KDrama, Gravure Idols, etc.
-Abstract art
In addition to new content, the mobile wallpaper format is also available now, which allows any wallpaper with a portrait orientation. Additionally, the policy around jpg artifacts and upscaling will be relaxed a fair amount to allow for more content and keep uploaders happier.
If any existing uploaders want some of their previously deleted scans restored that were deleted for artifacts, it can be requested.