Super Smash Bros. Ultimate !

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A new Super Smash Bros is going to be released (maybe next xmas) : Super Smash Bros. Ultimate !

As you may know in the Super Smash Bros. series, features a crossover cast of fighters from several different Nintendo franchises—such as the Mario and Metroid series—as well as fighters from series by third-party developers such as Sega, Konami, Capcom and Bandai Namco Games.

How about you? Dear Minitokyans, is There any Classic character from your favorite franchise makes you feel excited about this new Super Smash Bros :3 ?

My guy Captain Falcon is a true homie for taking Min Min's shift

Nox Vidmate VLC



Nice beat

Well, it is out now, and Steve from Minecraft is coming, I don't know him but anyways, one of my favorites is Hero from Dragon Quest

Music is what life sounds like


Love Super Mario games I used to play it last year. Plus I found many cool games here on every taste. All of them are free what could be better. Now I play new cartoon games every single day to improve my gaming skills.

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